Color identification activity for Toddlers

Color matching activity for Toddlers
I pulled out a bunch of colored paper clips
and showed Baby Girl how to press them into the matching color. She did pretty well with the matching of colors. The identification is a little harder for her. She’ll name some of the colors but stumble on others. (Baby Girl is 2.5 years old). She’s getting there, though! I love that she loves activities like this. She was really into it.
Fine Motor Activity for Toddlers, Preschoolers, and School-aged Children

Picking up the paper clips from a flat surface like the table is a great way to work on finger dexterity with children. You’ll need a tip to tip grasp to pick up the paper clip and manipulate it within your hand. What a work out for those little hand muscles! In-hand manipulation is essential for tasks like managing coins, rotating a pencil in handwriting tasks, putting small objects like pegs into peg boards, and so much more. Scatter those paper clips around the table…this is a great way to play and work on fin motor skills!

If you’re doing this activity with a younger child, be sure to keep a close eye on them. As always, use your judgment in what works best for your child or group of children in a school setting. The paper clips could be a choking hazard of course so if you are working with kids who may put them in their mouth, either work on one clip at a time or put this activity away for a few months. Better yet, pin it to your Pinterest boards for safe remembering 😉
How many other ways can you think of to make this activity a learning opportunity? Try sorting the paper clips by color or size. Pattern the colors of dough or paper clips. Count the paper clips as your child presses them into the dough. Ask him or her to press a certain number of clips into each dough ball. Sequence the number of paper clips that you’ve pressed into the dough. There is SO much learning happening here!
Looking for more play dough activities? We’ve been having a blast pinning to our play dough, clay, goop, and more board: