Spatial Awareness Toys and Activities

Toys for spatial awareness

For kids that struggle with body awareness, position-in-space, and overall spatial understanding, spatial awareness toys are fun ways to develop a specific set of skills that impact function of every day tasks. Occupational therapy toys like these space-based play support development of these areas. Want to help kids become more aware of their body position, the space that they need to function, write, and perform tasks through play? Here we are talking spatial awareness toys!

Let’s talk toys to support spatial awareness skills.

Amazon affiliate links are included in this blog post. As an Amazon Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Spatial awareness toys and spatial awareness games to develop visual spatial skills.

Spatial Awareness Toys

In this post, we’ll cover a few different things:

  • Spatial Awareness Definition
  • Spatial awareness activities
  • An easy spatial awareness tool for handwriting
  • Spatial awareness toys

Kids are often motivated by play as a means to support development of skills. When games and toys develop skills in which they struggle, it can be meaningful and engaging for the child. They may not even realize they are developing those skill areas through play. Before we get to the toy ideas, let’s go over spatial awareness in more detail.

Spatial Awareness Definition

First, let’s cover the definition of spatial awareness. You might be thinking…ok, I know a child who might be having issues with awareness of space during functional tasks… But exactly what is spatial awareness?

The definition of Spatial Awareness is being aware of oneself in space. Incorporating body awareness, visual spatial skills, and orientation, spatial awareness involves positioning oneself and/or functional items (pencil, a ball, a bag of groceries, etc.) in relation to oneself and the world around.

Spatial awareness means several things:

  • Awareness of spatial concepts can look like reaching for items without overshooting or missing the object.
  • It can mean use of a map to navigate streets or a new middle school.
  • It can incorporate spacing between letters and words in handwriting.
  • It can mean navigating a crowded hallway while carrying a backpack and a stack of papers.
  • It might mean walking in lines in school or waiting far enough apart from other students so that each individual has their own personal bubble of space.

Being able to reason about the space around us, and how to manipulate objects in space, is a critical part of everyday life and everyday functional tasks. This specific skill allows us to safely cross a street, fold clothing, load the dishwasher, place objects in a locker, put together a piece of “some assembly required” furniture, and other functional cognitive tasks. And these skills are especially important for educational success in particular handwriting tasks, math, STEM, and science.

Most of us realize as we walk through a doorway that we need to space ourselves through the middle of the door.  Those with poor visual spatial skills may walk to closely to the sides and bump the wall.

Visual-spatial skills are used when a middle school or high school student uses a map to navigate a new school. Orienting yourself on the map and then relating that to the real world to make turns, movements in a large space takes a complex set of skills guided by visual spatial relations.

Spatial awareness skills also involve the fine motor tasks of coordinating handwriting with writing in spaces allowed on paper, placing letters within an area (lines), and forming letters in the correct direction.  

So what is spatial awareness? Let’s break it down even further…

Spatial awareness and spatial perception

Spatial Awareness can be broken into three areas, specifically related to spatial perception: position in space, depth perception, and topographical orientation.

  1. Position in Space– where an object is in space in relation to yourself and others. This skill includes awareness of the way an object is oriented or turned.  It is an important concept in directional language such as in, out, up, down, in front of, behind, between, left, and right. Children with problems with this skill area will demonstrate difficulty planning actions in relation to objects around them.  They may write letter reversals after second grade.  They typically show problems with spacing letters and words on a paper.  
  2. Depth Perception– Distances between a person and objects.  This ability helps us move in space. Grasping for a ball requires realizing where the ball is in relation to ourselves.  Kids with deficits in this area may have trouble catching a ball or walking/running/jumping over an obstacle. Copying words from a vertical plane onto a horizontal plane may be difficult and they will have trouble copying from a blackboard. 
  3. Topographical Orientation– Location of objects in an environment, including obstacles and execution of travel in an area.  Kids with difficulties in this area may become lost easily or have difficulties finding their classroom after a bathroom break.

Visual Spatial Skills develop from an awareness of movements of the body.  If a child has true visual spatial skills, they will likely demonstrate difficulties with athletic performance, coordination, and balance.  They may appear clumsy, reverse letters and numbers in handwriting, and may tend to write from right to left across a page.  They will have difficulty placing letters on lines, forming letters correctly, and forming letters with appropriate size.   

When kids struggle with the ability to perceive where they are in space…when children are challenged to identify how much room they need to navigate the world around them…These are all examples of spatial awareness skills.

What is spatial awareness and how does it relate to handwriting

Visual Perception and spatial awareness in kids.  What is Spatial awareness and why do kids have trouble with spacing between letters and words, reversing letters, and all things vision.  Great tips here from an Occupational Therapist, including tips and tools to help kids with spacing in handwriting.
Letter size and use of margins also fall under the term “spatial awareness”. Use these spacing tool ideas to support spatial awareness in handwriting.
What is spatial awareness?  Tips and tools for handwriting, reading, scissors, and all functional skills in kids and adults, from an Occupational Therapist.
Visual Perception and spatial awareness in kids.  What is Spatial awareness and why do kids have trouble with spacing between letters and words, reversing letters, and all things vision.  Great tips here from an Occupational Therapist, including tips and tools to help kids with spacing in handwriting.
You can use a spacing tool to support spatial awareness skills in kids.

visual spatial relations activities

Addressing spatial awareness can occur with a handwriting spacing tool like the one we made, but other spacing activities can help with visual spatial relations, too. Try some of these activities:

  • Create an obstacle course using couch cushions, chairs, blankets, pillows, and other items in the house.
  • Try this activity for teaching over, under, around, and through with pretend play.
  • Create a paper obstacle course.  Draw obstacles on paper and have your child make his /her pencil go through the obstacles.  Draw circles, holes, mud pits, and mountains for them to draw lines as their pencil “climbs”, “jumps”, “rolls”, and even erases!
  • Write words and letters on graph paper.  The lines will work as a guide and also a good spacing activity.
  • Use stickers placed along the right margin of  to cue the student that they are nearing the edge of paper when writing.  
  • Highlight writing lines on worksheets.
  • Draw boxes for words on worksheets for them to write within.
  • Play Simon Says. Print off these Simon Says commands to target specific skill areas in therapy sessions or at home.
  • Practice directions.  Draw arrows on a paper pointing up, down, left, and right.  Ask your child to point to the direction the arrow is pointing.  Then have them say the direction the arrows are pointing.  Then create actions for each arrow.  Up may be jumping. Down may be squatting. The Left arrow might be side sliding to the left, and the Right arrow might be a right high kick. Next, draw more rows of arrows in random order.  Ask your child to go through the motions and try to go faster and faster.

spatial awareness Activities  

For more multisensory learning and hands-on play incorporating the development of spatial awareness skills, visit these blog posts:

Spatial Awareness Toys

This post contains affiliate links.

Looking for more tools to improve visual spatial awareness?  The toy ideas below are great for improving visual tracking and visual scanning in fun ways.  These toys, games, and ideas may be a great gift idea for little ones who have visual perceptual difficulties or problems with spacing and handwriting, body awareness in space, letter reversals, detail awareness, or maintaining place while reading.  

SO, save these ideas for grandparents and friends who might ask for gift ideas for birthdays and holidays.  These are some powerhouse spatial awareness ideas!

Spatial awareness toys and spatial awareness games for kids

  When working on spatial awareness in handwriting, kids can count the number of holes in the pegboard in this Construction and Building Toy. (affiliate link) Copy instructions to build 3D structures while working on spacing of pieces and awareness of details in this fun engineering toy. 

Mini erasers (affiliate link) as a spacing tool. Kids can write while keeping the small eraser on their desk. When they space out words, use the eraser as a measuring tool, just like our button buddy. You can also encourage them to finish their writing task and then go back and check over their work for spatial concepts with the eraser. 

Practice spatial awareness of the edges of the page by using a Clear Rulers. (affiliate link) Kids can place the ruler along the edge of the paper to know when to stop writing and to use as a visual cue. Sometimes kids try to squish a word in at the end of a line when there is not enough room. Line the ruler up along the edge and as they write, they can see that they are nearing the edge of the paper.     

Use a highlighter (affiliate link) to draw dots between each word, to provide a visual cue for spacing between words. You can also draw a line along the edge of the paper for a visual cue that the child is nearing the edge of the paper. 

Wooden Building Blocks Sets (affiliate link) are powerful ways to support spatial awareness development. Similarly, and great for targeting body awareness related to objects in the area around us, is this DIY cardboard bricks activity which children love.

Spatial Awareness Games

One study found that children who play frequently with puzzles, construction, and board games tend to have better spatial reasoning ability. 

To get the whole family in on a spatial reasoning game while working on placement of pieces, try IQ Twist (affiliate link) for a game of logic as you place pieces in this puzzle.

This related IQ Arrows game (affiliate link) develops spatial relations but is great for adding to an occupational therapy bag. Use the arrows in play dough to work on directionality with heavy work through the hands. Make mini fine motor obstacle courses and other spatial relations activities on a smaller scale.

Kanoodle (affiliate link) works on pattern recognition, spatial reasoning, and is a great way to practice spacing needed in handwriting.   

A toy like a geoboard allows a child to copy forms while counting out spaces of pegs. Try these Geoboards. (affiliate link)

Here are more spatial awareness games and specifically spatial reasoning games: These are Amazon affiliate links.

Toys for Body in Space Awareness

These toys specifically address body awareness and directional awareness to help with overall spatial awareness development. Position in space impacts functioning in daily tasks at home and in the community. This plays a part in social emotional development and overall confidence as well. When a child feels confident in their body in space awareness, they can navigate the world around them with ease.

And, in regards to handwriting, sometimes, spacing problems on paper have to do with difficulties with directional awareness.

Use Arrows (affiliate link) to start at the basics and practice naming left/write/top/bottom. Use them in whole-body movement activities where the child copies motions based on the arrow placement. Watch to make sure kids are not over stepping their allotted space. 

Use Wikki Stix (affiliate link) for spacing on paper with physical cues for margins and spacing. Use the wikki sticks to space between words and a “ball” of the wikki stick to space between words.

Position in Space Toys

What is spatial awareness? Use these activity suggestions from an occupational therapist.

More Occupational Therapy Toys

  1. Fine Motor Toys 
  2. Gross Motor Toys 
  3. Pencil Grasp Toys 
  4. Toys for Reluctant Writers 
  5. Toys for Spatial Awareness 
  6. Toys for Visual Tracking 
  7. Toys for Sensory Play 
  8. Bilateral Coordination Toys 
  9. Games for Executive Functioning Skills 
  10. Toys and Tools to Improve Visual Perception 
  11. Toys to Help with Scissors Skills 
  12. Toys for Attention and Focus

Printable List of Toys for Spatial Awareness

Want a printable copy of our therapist-recommended toys to support spatial awareness?

As therapy professionals, we LOVE to recommend therapy toys that build skills! This toy list is done for you so you don’t need to recreate the wheel.

Your therapy caseload will love these SPATIAL AWARENESS toy recommendations. (There’s space on this handout for you to write in your own toy suggestions, to meet the client’s individual needs, too!)

Enter your email address into the form below. The OT Toolbox Member’s Club Members can access this handout inside the dashboard, under Handouts. Just be sure to log into your account, first!


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    Colleen Beck, OTR/L has been an occupational therapist since 2000, working in school-based, hand therapy, outpatient peds, EI, and SNF. Colleen created The OT Toolbox to inspire therapists, teachers, and parents with easy and fun tools to help children thrive. Read her story about going from an OT making $3/hour (after paying for kids’ childcare) to a full-time OT resource creator for millions of readers. Want to collaborate? Send an email to

    Visual Tracking Tips and Tools for Treatment

    Here we are covering all things visual tracking, including what visual tracking means, how to improve visual tracking skills, and visual tracking toys to support development of this visual processing skill.

    Amazon affiliate links are included in this blog post. As an Amazon Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases.

    Visual Tracking toys and tools to improve visual fixation, visual tracking, visual saccades, in handwriting, reading, and so many functional daily tasks and skills in kids.

    What is Visual Tracking

    Visual tracking is typically defined as the ability to efficiently move the eyes from left to right (or right to left, up and down, and circular motions) OR focusing on an object as it moves across a person’s visual field.

    This skill is important for almost all daily activities, including reading, writing, cutting with scissors, drawing, and playing.  According to typical development of visual processing, the ability to visually track objects emerges in children around the age of five.  

    Reading a paragraph without losing their place, copying a list of homework from the chalkboard, misalignment of vertical and horizontal numbers in math problems, confusion in interpreting written direction, mixing up left/right, persistent letter reversals…Does any of this sound familiar? It’s all visual tracking!  

    Vision and visual tracking are tasks that happen without us even realizing.  The brain and it’s jobs is an amazing thing and our eyes are moving, tracking, scanning, focusing, pursuing, and accommodating without us even realizing.     There are many ways to work on visual perception in playful and creative ways.

    Related is the visual figure ground piece, which allows us to pull visual information from a busy background, and track that visual input.  

    visual tracking exercises

    Visual Tracking Exercises

    Using visual tracking exercises like the one described below can be a powerful way to use eye exercises to improve vision in kids. These are the visual skills needed not for visual acuity, but rather, those unseen visual problems that impact visual processing skills.

    Visual tracking exercises can include vision therapy activities that improve areas such as visual saccades or smooth visual pursuit.

    Difficulties in Visual Tracking

    You might see problems with these tasks if a child has difficulty with visual tracking:

    • Losing place when reading.  Re-reads or skips words or lines.  
    • Omits, substitutes, repeats, or confuses similar words when reading.
    • Must use finger to keep place when reading.
    • Poor reading comprehension.
    • Short attention span.
    • Difficulty comprehending or remembering what is read.
    • Confusion with interpreting or following written directions.
    • Writing on a slant, up or down hill, spacing letters and words irregularly.
    • Confusion with left/right directions.
    • Persistent reversals of letters (b, d, p, q) when naming letters.
    • Reverses letters when writing (persistent reversals after 2nd grade.)
    • Errors when copying from a chalkboard or book to paper.
    • Misalignment of horizontal and vertical series’ of numbers in math problems.

    Also related to visual tracking and very similar while being involved in many of these problem areas, is visual scanning.  

    It is important to note that not all of these difficulties indicate a true visual tracking and or visual scanning problem.  For example, many children demonstrate poor reading comprehension and may show a short attention span while not having visual scanning problems.  

    All children should be evaluated by a pediatric physician, behavioral optometrist, and occupational therapist to determine true visual processing and visual tracking or visual scanning deficits.  These recommendations are meant to be a resource.    

    Visual Tracking toys and tools to improve visual fixation, visual tracking, visual saccades, in handwriting, reading, and so many functional daily tasks and skills in kids.

    Visual Tracking Activities

    Today, I’m sharing an easy visual tracking activity that will help kids with many functional difficulties.  This post is part of our new series where we are sharing 31 days of Occupational Therapy using mostly free or inexpensive materials.

    Today’s activity should cost you at most $2 unless you already have these items in your craft cupboard or office supplies.  Add this activity to your treatment bag for multiple activities.  Read on:

    Amazon affiliate links below.

    This Visual tracking activity is easy to set up.  Gather recycled bottle caps.  I used round dot labels (affiliate link) from our office supplies to color the inside of each cap.  You could also use a marker or paint to color the bottle caps.  Use what you’ve got on hand to make this treatment activity free or almost free!   Next, gather matching crafting pom poms. (affiliate link)  These can be found at the dollar store for and inexpensive treatment item.    

    visual tracking activities

    Skills Related to Visual Tracking

    It’s important to mention that there are several skills related to visual tracking. These sub-areas should be identified as a piece of the overall puzzle. Areas related to visual tracking play a role in the eyes ability to fixate on an object and follow it as it moves. These skills include:

    • Visual fixation
    • Peripheral tracking
    • Visual pursuit

    Visual Fixation Activity: (Maintaining vision on an item in the visual field) Work one eye at a time.  

    1. Have your child close one eye and place a colored crafting pom pom onto a matching bottle cap.  They need to use one hand to place the pom pom into the corresponding bottle cap and not move bottle caps around on the table.
    2. After the child has filled all of the bottle caps using one eye, repeat the task with the other eye.  
    3. Then complete the activity using both eyes.    
    4. You can also do this activity by placing the label dots on a paper. Match the bottle caps onto the dots. 

    Visual Stare Activity (the amount of time the eyes can fixate on an object without eye movements)

    1. Hold up one bottle cap on your nose.
    2. Ask your child to sit about 18 inches from you and stare at the bottle cap.  Note their eye movements as they stare.  
    3. Keep track of time that the child can stare at the target without visual saccades (eye movements).

    Peripheral Tracking Activity (visually tracking from the peripheral visual fields)

    1. Arrange the bottle caps on the table.  
    2. Place a pom pom in the center of the table, with the bottle caps all around it.  
    3. Ask your child to stare at the pom pom. While keeping their head still and only moving their eyes, ask them to quickly find a bottle cap with the same color.  
    4. Ask them to scan to another bottle cap of the same color until they’ve found all of the caps with that color.  
    5. You can add a level to this task by writing letters or numbers in the bottle caps and asking the child to find letters in order or numbers in order.

    Visual Tracking Pursuit Activity (watching and tracking a moving object)

    1. Set one bottle cap on the right side of the table.  
    2. Place another at the left side.  
    3. The adult should blow a crafting pom pom from the right to the left and ask the child to follow the pom with his eyes, without moving their head.
    4. Repeat by blowing the pom pom from the left to the right, front to back, and back to front in front of the child.

    Visual Tracking Tracing Lines (Watching a pencil line as it is formed, and following the line with eye-hand coordination to trace with a pencil or marker)

    1. Set one vertical row of bottle cap on the left side of the child.  
    2. Place another vertical row on the right side.
    3. The adult should draw a line from one bottle cap on the left side to a matching bottle cap on the right side.  
    4. Instruct the child to follow the pencil as you draw.  Nest, trace the line with your finger.  
    5. Ask the child to trace the line with their finger.  
    6. They can then trace the lines with a pencil or marker.
    Visual Tracking toys and tools to improve visual fixation, visual tracking, visual saccades, in handwriting, reading, and so many functional daily tasks and skills in kids.

    More eye tracking Strategies

    • Complete mazes
    • Do puzzles.
    • Use a newspaper or magazine article.  Ask your child to highlight all of the letter “a’s”.
    • Draw or paint pictures.
    • Place a marble in a pie pan.  Rotate the pan around and watch the ball as it rolls. Don’t move your head, only your eyes!
    • Find as many things shaped like a a square in the room.  Repeat the activity, finding all of the circular shaped items in the room.
    • Play “I Spy.”
    • Dot-to-dot pictures.
    • Play balloon toss.
    • Use tracing paper to trace and color pictures.
    • Trace letters with chalk.
    • Play flashlight tag on walls and ceilings. The adult an child each holds a flashlight. As the adult shines the light on walls, the child keeps their light superimposed on top of yours. Start with simple strait lines.  Then add curved lines, then a circle.  Tell them what you are drawing next.  Advance the activity by drawing shapes without telling them what you are doing next.
    • Play with wind-up cars.
    • Create a race track on the floor. Follow cars with your eyes.
    • Roll a ball between you and the child.  Roll from left-right, right-left, front-back, back-front, and toss the ball.

    Visual Tracking toys and tools to improve visual fixation, visual tracking, visual saccades, in handwriting, reading, and so many functional daily tasks and skills in kids.

    Visual tracking Toys

    Looking for more tools to improve visual tracking?  The toys below are great for improving visual tracking and visual scanning in fun ways.  These toys, games, and ideas may be a great gift idea for little ones who have visual perceptual difficulties or problems with visual tracking and handwriting, body awareness in space, letter reversals, detail awareness, or maintaining place while reading.  

    SO, save these ideas for grandparents and friends who might ask for gift ideas for birthdays and holidays.  These are some powerhouse visual tracking ideas!

    Use Pattern Blocks and Boards (affiliate link) to work on visual fixation of shapes and sizes of shapes. 

    This Wooden Tangram Puzzle (affiliate link) has many different shapes and forms that can be copied from instructions. Copying from a diagram is a great way to practice visual tracking.

    For younger kids, this Wooden Stacking Toy encourages tracking for color sorting.  Try some of our pom pom activities that we discussed above!

    Mazes are excellent for fostering and building on visual tracking skills. Particularly those that involve a moving ball such as a Marble Run (affiliate link)
    or a labrynth (affiliate link).

    Watching a ball or moving object that is thrown around a room (like a balloon) is a great way to work on tracking in a big area. These Sportime Sensory Balls SloMo Balls (affiliate link) are lightweight and move more slowly than a typical ball, allowing kids to visually track the bright color. These are very cool for games of toss and rolling in all planes and directions. Use them to address peripheral tracking as well. 

    A flashlight can be used in so many visual tracking activities. Shine the light on words or letters taped to walls. Play “I Spy” in a dark room, shine shapes like this flashlight (affiliate link)can for visual tracking and form tracking.

    More visual Tracking Toys

    These visual tracking toys are Amazon affiliate links.

    Also check out these other top occupational therapy toys:

    1. Fine Motor Toys   
    2. Gross Motor Toys 
    3. Pencil Grasp Toys 
    4. Toys for Reluctant Writers 
    5. Toys for Spatial Awareness 
    6. Toys for Visual Tracking 
    7. Toys for Sensory Play 
    8. Bilateral Coordination Toys 
    9. Games for Executive Functioning Skills 
    10. Toys and Tools to Improve Visual Perception 
    11. Toys to Help with Scissors Skills 
    12. Toys for Attention and Focus 

    Printable List of Toys for VISUAL TRACKING

    Want a printable copy of our therapist-recommended toys to support visual tracking skills?

    As therapy professionals, we LOVE to recommend therapy toys that build skills! This toy list is done for you so you don’t need to recreate the wheel.

    Your therapy caseload will love these VISUAL TRACKING toy recommendations. (There’s space on this handout for you to write in your own toy suggestions, to meet the client’s individual needs, too!)

    Enter your email address into the form below. The OT Toolbox Member’s Club Members can access this handout inside the dashboard, under Handouts. Just be sure to log into your account, first!


      We won’t send you spam. Unsubscribe at any time.
      Visual Tracking toys and tools to improve visual fixation, visual tracking, visual saccades, in handwriting, reading, and so many functional daily tasks and skills in kids.

      Visual Perception Toys

      Let’s talk visual perception toys. These games, toys, and play are designed to promote visual perceptual skills: a complex combination of various visual processing skills. These visual perceptual skills are necessary together and in coordination with one another in order for use to see information. Occupational therapy toys that visual information to create responses support functional abilities like movement or processing.

      Amazon affiliate links are included in this blog post. As an Amazon Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases.

      Visual perception Toys

      Visual perception is our ability to make sense of what we see. Visual perceptual skills are essential for everything from navigating our world to reading, writing, and manipulating items.

      Here is more information about strategies to address visual perceptual skills and handwriting. Also, be sure to check out our blog post on types of eye specialists. and this resource on behavioral optometrists.

      Use these visual perception toys to help kids develop and improve visual perceptual skills needed for handwriting, reading, and writing.

      What are Visual Perceptual Skills?

        This post contains affiliate links.   

      Visual Perceptual Skills and how they are used to complete tasks like reading, writing, manipulating items, and functioning in everyday tasks:

      Visual Memory– This is one’s ability to store visual information in short term memory.  This skill allows us to recall visual information.  When completing hidden picture puzzles, kids visually store images of items they are looking for when scanning to locate a specific shape or image.  This skill is necessary for handwriting tasks when copying information from a source, such as lists of words, homework lists, and copying sentences.   

      Visual Closure– This visual perceptual skill allows us to see part of an object and visualize in our “mind’s eye” to determine the whole object.  When we see part of an item we use visual closure to know what the whole item is.  This skill requires the cognitive process of problem solving to identify items.  Visual Closure is used to locate and recognize items in a hidden picture puzzle.  In written work, we use visual closure to recognize parts of words and letters when reading and copying work.  

      Form Constancy– This skill allows us to visually recognize objects no matter their orientation.  When completing a hidden picture puzzle, children can recognize the missing object whether it is upside down or sideways.  In handwriting skills, we use this ability to read and know letters and numbers no matter which direction we see them.   

      Visual Spatial Relationships- This visual perceptual skill allows us to recognize and understand the relationships of objects within the environment and how they relate to one another.  

      Visual Discrimination–  This visual perception skill enables us to determine slight differences in objects.  In hidden picture activities, this skill is needed to determine and locate different hidden objects.  When writing and reading, visual discrimination allows us to perceive the difference between “p” and “d”. Puzzles including ones like the wooden letter puzzle described below address visual discrimination. There are many puzzles on the market that meet different age and grade levels. Here are a variety of puzzles (affiliate link) to consider.    

      Visual Attention- This visual perceptual skill allows us to focus on the important pieces or parts of what we see. When we “take in” a scene or image in front of us, we are able to filter out the unimportant information. In this way, a student is able to focus our eyes on the teacher when she teaches. Driving down a road requires visual attention to take in the road so we can drive safely. Visual attention is important in copy work as students copy information from a Smart Board or book onto a piece of paper. As they visually scan from one point to another, they attend to the place they left off. Visual attention is also important and very needed in reading.   

      Visual Sequential Memory- This visual perceptual skill is the ability to visually take in and then later recall the sequence or order of items in the correct order. This skill is important in reading and writing. Visual sequential memory is important in spelling words correctly and recognizing that words are not spelled correctly.  

      Visual Figure-Ground–  This skill enables us to locate items in a busy background.  Finding hidden items in a hidden pictures puzzle works on this skill by visually scanning and identifying items within a busy scene.  In handwriting, visual figure ground is necessary for copying written work from a model and locating the place left off when shifting vision.  

      Toys to Improve Visual Perception

      Highlights Hidden Pictures book set– (affiliate link) Hidden pictures are a fantastic tool for helping kids develop and strengthen visual perceptual skills like figure ground, visual attention, visual discrimination, form constancy, and visual memory. This set of hidden pictures is a nice stocking stuffer that disguises “work” as a rainy day activity.

      Self-Correcting Heads & Tails Animal Match Puzzle– (affiliate link) Puzzles like this one helps kids address visual perceptual skills like visual discrimination, figure-ground, visual attention, form constancy, and visual memory. These are easy puzzles that can be used with younger children. Add this game to an older child’s visual perceptual activities by asking them to write stories or sentences based on the puzzle pieces while sneaking in visual perceptual skill work.

      Self-Correcting Counting Puzzle– (affiliate link) This puzzle is very similar to the previous match puzzle, only it uses math concept to match. Work on visual perceptual skills with a math component.

      Uppercase & Lowercase Alphabet (affiliate link) Help kids develop skills in upper/lowercase letter matching by addressing visual discrimination, form constancy, spatial discrimination, form constancy, visual memory, and visual discrimination.

      Preschool Alphabet Animal Wooden Puzzle (affiliate link) Visual discrimination is a skill needed for noticing differences in letters like letters b and d. It’s a skill that carries over to reading and noticing the differences between words like can and car.  visual discrimination skills enable the eyes to notice differences between the orientation and parts of letters and can promote a more fluent reading ability. This skill is also important in math and spelling.  Puzzles like this one also help with form constancy, visual figure ground, among other visual perceptual skills. 

      Pixy Cubes -(affiliate link) Noticing small differences in colors and direction is an important part of visual discrimination and reading, writing, math, and spelling. These skills are important for fluency as children age and need to complete reading and math skills at faster levels appropriate for grade advances. Matching and figuring out visual puzzles like this one address skills like visual attention, visual memory, visual sequencing, spatial relationships, and visual sequencing.

      Learning Resources iTrax Critical Thinking Game– (affiliate link) This visual perceptual toy allows children to copy and build designs using blocks of different sizes. Children can develop and boost visual perceptual skills such as visual figure-ground, visual attention, visual memory, visual sequencing, and spatial relationships in order to create the mazes that they see on the cards. There are various levels of mazes, allowing for development of skills.

      Learning Resources Dive into Shapes! “Sea” and Build Geometry Set– (affiliate link) This building set is a visual perception activity that develops various visual perceptual skills needed for skills such as handwriting and reading. Using double-sided activity cards, children can develop skills such as visual figure-ground, visual attention, visual memory, visual sequencing, and spatial relationships while they copy the three-dimensional figures they see on the cards. This activity is a powerhouse therapy tool as children can strengthen fine motor skills while building with the pieces.

      Tumble Trax Magnetic Marble Run– (affiliate link) This marble run building set is a visual perception activity that develops various visual perceptual skills needed for skills such as handwriting and reading. Children can copy different levels of marble run forms using activity cards while developing skills such as visual figure-ground, visual attention, visual memory, visual sequencing, and spatial relationships. The magnetic pieces can be used on surfaces such as a refrigerator or large magnetic sheet on the wall. It’s a great tool for strengthening the upper body, developing balance and core stability, and shoulder stability while working on a vertical surface.

      Code & Go Robot Mouse Activity Set– (affiliate link) Use the activity cards to copy maze forms while developing visual perceptual skills such as visual figure-ground, visual attention, visual memory, visual sequencing, and spatial relationships. The maze is a great self-confidence booster for children as they complete mazes for the battery operated mouse. This game provides an opportunity for developing and introducing coding skills. When watching the mouse as it travels through the mouse, children can enhance visual scanning skills.

      Let’s Go Code! Activity Set– (affiliate link) This visual perception game requires children to hop, turn, step, and move through a gross motor maze of directions. Children can develop visual perceptual skills such as visual attention, visual memory, visual sequencing, and spatial relationships. Directionality is enhanced with movement activities such as this one and is much needed in tasks such as writing and identifying direction of letters and numbers. 

      Spot It– (affiliate link) This game is a fun way to help children develop and strengthen visual perceptual skills like figure ground, visual attention, visual discrimination, form constancy, and visual memory. The game is small enough to be used as a busy activity while waiting at restaurants and appointments. It’s a game that boosts skills and can be used during family game night, too.

      Q-bitz Jr.– (affiliate link) Noticing differences in colors, forms, and directions are important skills needed in visual discrimination for reading, writing, math, and spelling. These skills are important for fluency as children age and need to complete reading and math skills at faster levels appropriate for grade advances. This game is a fun way to address skills like visual attention, visual memory, visual sequencing, spatial relationships, and visual sequencing.

      Wooden Pattern Blocks Set– (affiliate link) These copying puzzle activities is a great way to develop skills like form constancy and visual discrimination. Children can look at the picture card and recreate the form using three dimensional blocks. It’s a nice way to develop visual perceptual skills like visual attention, visual memory, visual sequencing, spatial relationships, and visual sequencing.

      Classic Tangoes– (affiliate link) Similar to the tangrams above, children can view the image on a card and use tangrams to re-create the picture in this classic game. This activity develops visual perceptual skills like visual attention, visual memory, visual sequencing, spatial relationships, and visual sequencing, form constancy, and visual discrimination, all needed for handwriting and reading. Read more about using tangrams in visual perception and handwriting.

      Equilibrio Game– (affiliate link) This building activity requires players to copy forms from a puzzle book while re-creating buildings that challenge balance and gravity! When copying and building the forms, kids develop and build eye-hand coordination skills and visual perceptual skills like visual attention, visual memory, visual sequencing, spatial relationships, and visual sequencing, form constancy, and visual discrimination.

      Use visual perception toys to support the development of visual perceptual skills in kids.

      More Therapy Toys

      Looking for more toys to address specific skill areas? Check out these occupational therapy toys:

      1. Fine Motor Toys 
      2. Gross Motor Toys 
      3. Pencil Grasp Toys 
      4. Toys for Reluctant Writers 
      5. Toys for Spatial Awareness
      6. Toys for Visual Tracking
      7. Toys for Sensory Play 
      8. Bilateral Coordination Toys 
      9. Games for Executive Functioning Skills
      10. Toys and Tools to Improve Visual Perception
      11. Toys to Help with Scissors Skills 
      12. Toys for Attention and Focus

      Printable List of Toys for Visual Perception

      Want a printable copy of our therapist-recommended toys to support visual perception?

      As therapy professionals, we LOVE to recommend therapy toys that build skills! This toy list is done for you so you don’t need to recreate the wheel.

      Your therapy caseload will love these VISUAL PERCEPTION toy recommendations. (There’s space on this handout for you to write in your own toy suggestions, to meet the client’s individual needs, too!)

      Enter your email address into the form below. The OT Toolbox Member’s Club Members can access this handout inside the dashboard, under Educational Handouts. Just be sure to log into your account, first!


        We won’t send you spam. Unsubscribe at any time.

        Colleen Beck, OTR/L has been an occupational therapist since 2000, working in school-based, hand therapy, outpatient peds, EI, and SNF. Colleen created The OT Toolbox to inspire therapists, teachers, and parents with easy and fun tools to help children thrive. Read her story about going from an OT making $3/hour (after paying for kids’ childcare) to a full-time OT resource creator for millions of readers. Want to collaborate? Send an email to

        Left Right Discrimination

        Picture of hands tying a pink shoe. Text reads "left-right confusion and functional tasks"

        This is an older blog post on left-right discrimination, and includes left right discrimination activities, information, and even a free, hands-on slide deck activity you can use in right left discrimination occupational therapy activities to support these areas.

        Picture of hands tying a pink shoe. Text reads "left-right confusion and functional tasks"

        Working on left right discrimination with kids? It can be difficult to teach left right awareness because there’s so many areas of development that play into this awareness.

        We’ve talked before about mixed dominance vs. ambidexterity, which is a concern that comes up when kids don’t use one hand or one side for motor tasks. You’ll want to start there to read more about this issue.

        The thing is that the confusion between left and right becomes an issue in play or learning tasks, especially when children are asked to follow directions that require a knowledge of left and right. When children don’t have a strong awareness of left and right, you’ll see confusion and even embarrassment in a group setting.

        This other post on hand dominance offers 3 activities to work on left right awareness, and can be a great way to expand this left right discrimination activity to hands-on activities that build motor skills.

        Left Right Discrimination Activity

        In left right discrimination activities, kids can gain more awareness of their body and how it moves during functional tasks.

        As pediatric OTs we might try a variety of activities to support development of right left discrimination.

        These strategies might be accommodations or modifications to functional tasks or it might be occupational therapy activities to help with these discrimination skills needed for handwriting or establishing a dominant side.

        First, let’s talk about why an awareness of left and right is important.

        Picture of hands cutting with scissors. Text reads "left/right confusion"

        Left right confusion can make functional tasks very challenging.

        Why Worry about Left Right Awareness with Hands?

        Left-right discrimination can be memory, attention, or visual perceptual.  If left/right confusion is a memory problem, it is probably the easiest to remedy with a visual prompt like a sticker on the hand. A lot of the OT practitioners I know simply use pictures, labels, games, or the trick with the “L” in the left hand. What are some easy tricks you can think of to send reminders of left and right?

        Often left-right discrimination difficulty is more than just attention or memory. It is a perceptual issue.

        Visual perception is the way we “perceive” information that our eyes see.  People with visual perceptual difficulties might perceive items backward, or different each time.  The “L in the left hand” technique is not reliable for these people, because they can never be sure they have the L in the correct direction.

        While you are working on improving visual perceptual skills, use the labels, or tricks listed above. These labels and hints may need to be used long term, because not all visual perceptual deficits will be remediated.

        Once you have learned to identify which is the left and right side of the body, it gets trickier. What if you have discrimination issues and someone says to move your right arm forward, or your left leg to the right?  Directionality is even more confusing than left/right discrimination. 

        Another difficulty with directionality is, it changes. If you are facing forward, the left might be toward the front of the class, but as soon as you turn around, the left is at the back of the class. 

        There’s a body awareness and motor planning component at play here, too.

        This translates into map reading and directionality, or following directions through space during movements. If you are facing north, east is to your right. But if you are facing south?  I love when the car says “head west on elm street” What?  West is left if I am facing north, but what if I am facing east?  Is it behind me?  Usually I pick one direction, and if it says “rerouting”, or “proceed to the route”, I know I guessed wrong. 

        Left/right is not always clear either. Is the left side of the stage when I am standing on it, or facing it. I am thinking the left side of the car is the one I am driving on, but if I look at it from the front, that is the right side. 

        We have an RV that usually requires me to help with the parking.  My job is to tell my husband which way to turn. If I say left, is that my left or his? Should he move the RV to the right or left? Or the car?  Which needs to go left, the front of the camper or the back? Do not get me started on trying to think which way he needs to turn the wheel to get the camper to go in reverse to the right. I end up pointing, but even that is not clear. Luckily, we find humor at these times in our lives, and are still married. 

        Left Right Confusion and Shoe Tying

        Another example of left right confusion shows up during daily self care tasks like Tying shoes. You see the left right confusion as struggling to follow the motor directions when you are not clear which side is which. “Am I using my left hand, or my right hand?”

        Not only are you trying to keep left/right straight, but then use this information to complete a challenging task. 

        Think of shoe tying for example. To teach a child to tie their shoes, we use one step directions all based on left or right. We might say, “Take the left lace and put it over the right. Now slip the left lace under the X that was formed by crossing the laces. Once you get that part sorted, you need to find one to make a bow (left for lefties, and right for righties).” Then, there are the nuances of shoe tying where right-handed kids loop the shoe lace counterclockwise, while lefties go clockwise around the loop. 

        Because shoe tying is such a struggle with directionality, we often provide visual examples such as colored laces, visual diagrams, or songs that do not use left/right. 

        Left Right Confusion and Cutting with Scissors

        As if left/right discrimination was not hard enough, directions are often reversed for lefties.

        For the student with left right confusion, this is a real challenge in the classroom, when things move quickly. The teacher might hand out papers, tell students to cut out sections of a worksheet and glue them onto the page in the right spaces. The rest of the class might be done with the activity by the time our student with left right confusion has even figured out which hand to use to hold their scissors.

        Cutting with scissors requires an automatic awareness of how to hold the scissors and how to cut around shapes.

        Did you realize that “righties” cut counterclockwise, while “lefties” cut clockwise?

        The differences continue with reading. While we lefties scan left to right and read books from front to back, it is not natural. I prefer to flip through magazines from the back.  It makes some articles confusing, but feels more natural. 

        I am on a line dance team, and as I am new to the team, there are some struggles I experience with body awareness and directions. Directionality and discrimination have been a challenge, even though I am sure of my left and right. We go one direction facing one wall, then another direction facing the next wall.  I have to depend on my body direction, rather than using visual cues for help.  When we are facing the front wall, I tend to center myself thinking about heading toward the door, or the mirror.  Once we turn around, I am lost all over again. If I feel lost, I tend to look at my peers to see what they are doing. Sometimes we end up facing different directions, and I can not figure out who is wrong. 

        The good news for shoe tying, dancing, driving, parking an RV, and 100 other things we learn is muscle memory. We talked a bit about the muscle memory in tasks in our blog post on handwriting, because there is an automaticity piece to this puzzle.

        After a while you no longer think of the left and right lace or stomping the right foot, your body takes over.  As I was describing the shoe tying above, did you have to take your shoes out to figure out which side you make the loop on, or close your eyes and picture the movements?  Me too.  Fortunately, we do things so naturally after we learn them, we do not have to keep thinking of each direction as we do each task.

        Our muscles build a plan with our brain to create a pattern. Imagine how tough touch typing would be if you never remembered where the keys were. How much of a challenge would it be to write a sentence if we needed to stop and think about which direction the lines in each letter go. It’s a motor plan that’s been established and marked into our brains. 

        People with sensory processing difficulties have difficulty with motor planning or creating muscle memory. They need to rely on directions for much longer. This can be especially difficult for the child with sensory processing difficulties, AND directionality struggles. 

        Just thinking about all these directions makes my brain hurt. I am realizing how much of a struggle this is in our lives every day. So much of our day includes some sort of direction.  Next time you think someone is “cheating” doing an activity, take a moment to see if they are compensating rather than cheating. This may be their effort to get the task done and fit in. It is actually very clever to check the people around you for guidance. Use this as a clue to see where the struggle lies.

        Picture of hand. Text reads "left/right discrimination activities"

        So what are some activities to support left right awareness?

        left right discrimination Activities

        First up is a visual graphic that helps kids to understand their left and right hands using their left hand as a visual reminder.

        On the slide deck (below), kids can look at the visual and follow the directions:

        1. On both of your hands, stick out your thumb and your pointer finger.
        2. Now look at what shape that made on each hand! One hand looks like the letter “L” and the other is a backwards “L.”
        3. The word “left” starts with the letter “L!” This means that the hand with the “L” shape is your left hand!

        Kids can use this trick to help them remember which way is left and which way is right.

        Want to know the quickest way to determine who does not know their left from right?  Play a group game of Simon Says or dance the Hokey Pokey.  You can quickly see who not only knows their left and right, but who does it with confidence, versus following along. 

        Circling back to Simon Says. Be especially mindful of who is “cheating” or depending on others for information. Are they unsure which is the answer, or just relying on their peers? It is natural to check those around you to see what your peers are doing, but how can you be sure your peer is correct?  What if you are the one that is correct? Or are both wrong?

        • You do not need to remember left and right, just one.  If you know which left is, you will know the other one is automatically right
        • If your child knows what left/right means, but can not remember, start labeling things.  Put an L inside of the left shoe for example. Check out these cute stickers (amazon link)!  I like that these stickers do not specify left/right, but have puzzle pieces that fit together correctly to show which shoes go on which feet.
        • Wear a bracelet or watch on the same side each time. Memorize which side it is on. The watch is always on the left, this is my left side. 
        • Learn which hand you write with. I write with my left hand, and I can easily raise that one. 
        • Make a mark or label on your child’s arm/hand daily to give a visual reminder
        Left right discrimination with a picnic theme to help kids with left right awareness in functional tasks.

        We have put together a slide deck of activities to help with left right confusion.

        Left Right Direction Activity

        The slide deck is an interactive tool that allows children to sort items that are directionally pointing to either the left or right sides on the screen. There are several left right discrimination activities to work through on this picnic themed slide deck

        Today’s free therapy slide deck is a left right discrimination activity with a picnic theme, going perfectly with our virtual picnic therapy activities slide deck.

        The slide decks in this post not only give practice to picking the item on the left or right, but ask which way the item is facing. The item may be on the right but facing left, or visa versa.  Woah!  That became tricky very quickly. 

        When using these slide decks, be sure your child has the basics before trying the more challenging cards. You may need to start at the beginning, labeling items left and right for a while before moving on to determining which item is on the left or facing that way. 

        After kids have a kinesthetic and visual approach to remembering left and right, there are slides that work on sorting images into categories of left vs. right.

        This interactive portion allows kids to click on the images and sort them into left or right.

        If the user needs prompts, remind them to use their hands to make the L with their fingers to recall which side is their left side. This can help to establish memory by using several sensory methods: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic within several repetitions.

        Left Right Sorting Activity

        Next, you’ll see several slide decks that ask the user to move a circle to cover the item facing either the left or the right. The directions are written at the top of each slide deck and changes on each slide. You can again remind users to use their hands to remember which side of the screen is their left and which is their right.

        This can be helpful for teaching left right discrimination because through a screen like in teletherapy services, it can be difficult to address the left or right awareness (especially if there is a screen flipping issue that comes up with teletherapy services).

        The picnic themed visuals are fun for a picnic theme and includes things like a grill, hot dog, picnic kids, backpackers, etc.

        Left Right Discrimination Matching Activity

        Finally, there are several slides that ask the user to move the circle to cover a matching image across the slide. This visual perception activity addresses several areas typically developed through therapy activities:

        The user can also address eye-hand coordination as they move the mouse or click and drag to move the circles to cover each matching item.

        Again, work on left right discrimination by asking the child to name the direction that the item is facing: Is it facing the left or is it facing the right?

        All of these left right discrimination activities are powerful ways to help kids with directionality that is needed for functional tasks.

        Free left right discrimination slide deck

        Want this picnic themed therapy slide deck to work on left right discrimination? Enter your email address into the form below to grab this teletherapy activity.

        When kids go through the slides, you can reset the movable items to their original state by clicking the history link at the top navigation bar. Simply click the “last edit” link and then go to the right side bar. You’ll see a link that says “reset slides”. Click this link and then go to the top navigation bar again and click the button that says “Restore this version”. Then, all of those movable pieces on the whole deck will reset to their original spots and you can restart the therapy activities.

        Don’t forget to also grab the virtual picnic therapy activities slide deck, too!

        Left Right Discrimination Picnic Theme Activities

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          Colleen Beck, OTR/L has been an occupational therapist since 2000, working in school-based, hand therapy, outpatient peds, EI, and SNF. Colleen created The OT Toolbox to inspire therapists, teachers, and parents with easy and fun tools to help children thrive. Read her story about going from an OT making $3/hour (after paying for kids’ childcare) to a full-time OT resource creator for millions of readers. Want to collaborate? Send an email to

          Apple Tree Fine Motor Activity

          Picture of a felt apple tree with small red dots and dice. text reads Apple Tree fine motor activity

          This apple activity is a fine motor activity for occupational therapy sessions with kids that builds many skill areas. I love this fine motor apple activity because you can make it work for the needs of each child. There is power to using hole punch activities with kids! Working on hand strength? Use the hole punch to build skills. Working on dexterity? Pick up the small red circles to place them on the felt apple tree. You can even incorporate it into a vertical plane activity or add apple brain breaks to the session. The sky is the limit!

          Picture of a felt apple tree with small red dots and dice. text reads Apple Tree fine motor activity

          I love this apple tree activity because you can use dice to work on hand mobility, small apple dots that are precision work, and you can incorporate other skills into the activity.

          This fine motor apple activity would go really well with our apple sensory bin and our Apple Therapy Kit.

          Apple Tree Fine Motor Activity

          Pair this apple tree activity with our apple tweezer activity for even more apple themed fine motor fun.

          Fine motor strengthening is a hot topic when it comes to back-to-school time.  Kids go back into the classroom and need to get back up to speed on all of the fine motor requirements in the classroom.  What better way to work on fine motor strength than with a Fall apple theme? This apple themed fine motor activity adds a bit of math, too and it’s super easy to create for hands-on play, learning, and fine motor work.
          Kids will love this fine motor strengthening apple activity this fall.


          Fine Motor Strengthening Activity

          This apple tree activity is a fun way to build the intrinsic muscle strength of the hands as well as gross grasp strength.  It’s an easy activity to throw together, and the steps of the activity help to build strength of the hands, too.
          Materials needed to make this apple tree activity:
          Affiliate links are included in this post.
          Kids will love this fine motor strengthening apple activity this fall.
          To create the apple tree, cut the green felt into a tree-ish shape.  Cutting felt is a complex scissor task, so older kids can help with this part.  If you are able to use stiff felt, cutting through the material is a strengthening exercise in itself. 
          Next, cut the brown felt into a trunk shape, by simply cutting strait lines. Consider allowing the child to cut the trunk shape as cutting strait lines on a material such as felt is easier, yet the flimsy material makes it difficult to cut.  A stiffer material would work well for this part as well.
          Use strips of paper to build hand strength
          Next, cut the red cardstock into small, thin strips of paper.  This is not necessary for the end result of the activity, however there is a fine motor benefit to the extra step.  Kids can hold the thin strips of paper with a pincer grasp using their non-dominant, helper hand.  Using the small strips of paper requires precision. Kids will then be required to slow down while using the hole punch so that they don’t cut the holes over the edge of the strip of the paper.  
          Need a hole punch that requires less effort for younger kids or those who need to build their gross muscle grip strength?  Try this one.

          Hole Punch Activity

          Before we move on, I want to take a moment to talk about this portion of the activity.
          Cutting paper strips and using a hole punch along the strip is an easy fine motor activity that you can set up with items you probably have on hand….Cut strips of paper. Use different grades and remember that cutting thicker paper means more resistance which is good for strengthening the hands.
          Use a hole punch to punch holes along the paper strip. This supports eye hand coordination, motor planning, bilateral coordination, grip strength, and more. Here’s more on this activity…and then a fun way to use those small dots for more fine motor fun.
          Use the brown cardstock to make a small apple barrel shape. This can be used in the math part of this activity.
          A slower cut with the hole punch allows for the muscles of the hands to exercise with prolonged tension and increases blood flow.  Using the hole punch with slow repetitions builds gross grasp strength.
          Once the apple tree and apples are created, kids can place them on the tree. The cardstock will not stick permanently to the felt, but they will stay in place for temporary play.  Scatter the red cardstock circles, (those are your apples!) onto the table.  Show your child or student how to pick up the apples and place them onto the apple tree.  Picking up the small cardstock circles is a real workout for the intrinsic muscles of the hand. 
          To make this activity easier, place the cardstock circles on a piece of felt.

          Apple Fine Motor Activity

          Add a bit of math to this activity with a pair of dice.  Show your child how to roll the dice and then count the number of dots on the dice.  They can then add and count the number of apples and place them on the tree.  
          There are several ways to build on this activity:
          • Use the dice to add apples.
          • Subtract by taking away apples from the tree. 
          • Create multiple step math problems by adding and them subtracting the numbers on the dice to put on and then remove apples.
          Apple fine motor strengthening activity and fall math with hands-on learning.

          Looking for more apple activities?  Try these:

          The Apple Therapy Kit is full of fine motor, visual motor, and sensory motor tools to support fine motor skill development needed for handwriting and other functional tasks.

          This therapy kit, along with many other apple themed resources can be found inside The OT Toolbox Membership Club.

          Colleen Beck, OTR/L has been an occupational therapist since 2000, working in school-based, hand therapy, outpatient peds, EI, and SNF. Colleen created The OT Toolbox to inspire therapists, teachers, and parents with easy and fun tools to help children thrive. Read her story about going from an OT making $3/hour (after paying for kids’ childcare) to a full-time OT resource creator for millions of readers. Want to collaborate? Send an email to

          Dyed Rainbow Lollipop Sticks

          dyed lollipop sticks

          We made these dyed lollipop sticks many moons ago, (2015!) as a fine motor and visual motor tool to use in color sorting and other fine motor activities. The colorful sticks are fun and provide countless opportunities in your OT sessions for creative exploration, problem-solving, and hands-on learning.

          dyed lollipop sticks

           We made these dyed lollipop sticks last month and have been playing with them a lot.  Counting, patterns, fine motor play, art, visual perceptual work, and imagination are fun with these colorful rainbow sticks.  They are so easy to dye with just a little food coloring, and very fun.  We’ve used these rainbow sticks in a few different ways recently and will be sharing soon on the blog!

          Rainbow lollipop sticks dyed with coloring for play, counting, busy bags, math with kids
          This post contains affiliate links.

          Dyed Lollipop Sticks for play and learning

          Rainbow lollipop sticks
          How gorgeous are rainbow lollipop sticks?  Don’t you want to play with them?  

          How to dye lollipop sticks

          We had a ton of extra lollipop sticks left over from various parties.  The idea to color them in rainbow shades came to me after seeing them in the baking bin next to food coloring.  A rainbow of manipulatives would be fun for all kinds of play.  I put a handful of sticks into small plastic baggies and added a few drops of liquid food coloring.  More food coloring will bring out brighter colors.  
          Shake the baggies around to coat the sticks.


          Spread the lollipop sticks out on wax paper and allow them to dry.
          Use rainbow lollipop sticks for play, math, patterns and colorful learning with kids!

          Once dry, you are ready to play!  These things are completely gorgeous and we had fun just naming all of the colors, rolling them back and forth, and sorting.

          Dye lollipop sticks with food coloring for colorful play!



          Practice fine motor skills with kids using DIY dyed lollipop sticks

          Fine Motor Skills with Dyed Rainbow Lollipop Sticks

          We pulled a plastic bottle from the recycle bin and practiced fine motor skills by dropping the rainbow sticks into the plastic bottle one by one.  Drop by colors and work on color identification.  Practice beginner math skills by counting one-to-one correspondence as the child names the number of each color.  Practice a tripod grasp on the lollipop sticks and pre-handwriting skills.


          Fine motor rainbow play was never so much fun!

          More rainbow activities that you will love:




          Other Ways to Use Dyed Lollipop Sticks

          We shared just a couple of ways to use dyed lollipop sticks in developing sensory motor skills. Here are more ideas:

          1. Color Sorting: Have children sort the dyed lollipop sticks by color into matching containers or on a color mat.
          2. Pattern Making: Create and replicate patterns with the sticks, such as alternating colors or building sequences.
          3. Counting and Number Matching: Use the sticks for counting activities or to match with numbers written on paper or cards.
          4. Stick Building: Encourage children to build simple structures or shapes by gluing the sticks together.
          5. Letter and Shape Formation: Have kids use the sticks to form letters, numbers, or shapes on a flat surface.
          6. Tactile Tracing: Glue the sticks to create raised lines on paper for children to trace with their fingers, enhancing tactile feedback.
          7. Matching Games: Write letters or numbers on the sticks and have children match them to corresponding cards or objects.
          8. Sensory Bins: Add the dyed sticks to a sensory bin filled with rice, beans, or sand for children to find and sort.
          9. Stick Weaving: Weave yarn or string around and between sticks placed in a grid pattern, working on fine motor skills.
          10. Craft Projects: Incorporate the sticks into art and craft projects, such as making frames, collages, or decorations.
          Colors Handwriting Kit

          Rainbow Handwriting Kit– This resource pack includes handwriting sheets, write the room cards, color worksheets, visual motor activities, and so much more. The handwriting kit includes:

          • Write the Room, Color Names: Lowercase Letters
          • Write the Room, Color Names: Uppercase Letters
          • Write the Room, Color Names: Cursive Writing
          • Copy/Draw/Color/Cut Color Worksheets
          • Colors Roll & Write Page
          • Color Names Letter Size Puzzle Pages
          • Flip and Fill A-Z Letter Pages
          • Colors Pre-Writing Lines Pencil Control Mazes
          • This handwriting kit now includes a bonus pack of pencil control worksheets, 1-10 fine motor clip cards, visual discrimination maze for directionality, handwriting sheets, and working memory/direction following sheet! Valued at $5, this bonus kit triples the goal areas you can work on in each therapy session or home program.

          Click here to get your copy of the Colors Handwriting Kit.

          Colleen Beck, OTR/L has been an occupational therapist since 2000, working in school-based, hand therapy, outpatient peds, EI, and SNF. Colleen created The OT Toolbox to inspire therapists, teachers, and parents with easy and fun tools to help children thrive. Read her story about going from an OT making $3/hour (after paying for kids’ childcare) to a full-time OT resource creator for millions of readers. Want to collaborate? Send an email to

          Fine Motor Skills with Building Blocks

          Stacking blocks milestones

          As a pediatric occupational therapist, I’ve used wooden building blocks in occupational therapy many times. For my own children, I’ve used regular wooden blocks as a fine motor tool too! In fact, building with blocks is a fine motor skills that kids need in order to fine motor development many, many, (MANY) times. Wooden blocks are a tool that are used for development of goal progression in treatment activities and in assessment of fine motor developmental level.  They are used in visual perceptual skills, and are the perfect open-ended play item. 

          Fine motor skills with blocks

          Occupational therapy practitioners use block toys to support fine motor skills and visual motor skills.

          How to Support Fine Motor Skills with Blocks

          Also be sure to check out our activity using cardboard bricks as a tool for developing many areas.

          Fine motor development with blocks

          Blocks are a great toy for development because you can use different types of blocks for different ages.

          Many parents ask “is stacking blocks a fine motor skill?” The answer is YES!
          As a Mom and OT, I’ve made sure my kids have a lot of wooden blocks (and a couple of varieties of toddler large blocks of the foam and plastic blocks, too!)

          Today, I’m sharing how to use wooden blocks in fine motor skill development with kids…all while they play and don’t even realize their fine motor skills are being assessed or worked on! This is a great way to address skills for children and adults…anyone who needs to work on fine motor skill development.

          Fine motor skills building blocks for kids

          Stacking blocks supports grasp development with various grasp patterns.

          Fine Motor Skills and Building Blocks

          Full disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.

          Stacking blocks is a fine motor skill. And, when children stack blocks, they develop and refine fine motor skills. Check out the list of benefits of playing with blocks that are described below. Each area of development can be developed using a set of building blocks.

          Looking at various building blocks from the perspective of an occupational therapist, my favorite wooden blocks are Melissa and Doug Wood Blocks Set.  The set is huge and comes with a variety of bright colors in solid wooden blocks, which are sized just right to help kids build fine motor skills.

          Fine motor skills and building blocks go hand-in-hand…literally! There are SO many benefits to playing with blocks. Let’s break down all of the benefits of playing with blocks…

          Benefits of playing with blocks include development of fine motor skills, gross motor skills, visual motor skills, and more.

          There are many benefits of building blocks!

          Benefits of Playing with Blocks

          1. Building with blocks help kids develop grasp- From the time toddlers can grasp a block with their whole hand, grasp development begins. Blocks are a fine motor power tool when it comes to working on grasp development! Read below for the specifics of small kids playing with blocks. By picking up on block, manipulating it in the hand, and placing it on a stack of blocks, children progress from a gross grasp to a radial palmer grasp and then to a digital palmer grasp, followed by a tip-to-tip grasp using the pointer finger and thumb.

          Check out this developmental checklist for more information.

          2. Building with blocks helps kids develop graded fine motor skills- As small children progress through typical grasp progression, they begin to gain more control over those motor skills. This occurs on a stability basis (use of the core and shoulder to stabilize the arm) and on a dexterous basis (precise, small, and graded movements of the fingers). By gaining these skills, children are able to pick on one block from a stack without toppling the entire block tower. They are also able to place a block onto a stack of blocks without knocking over the entire tower. These graded movements are essential for precision and dexterity in functional tasks as children gain a sense of personal awareness and how their body moves through space in order to pick up and manipulate objects.

          This blog post on fine motor precision and graded release explains more on this skill and has a fun fine motor activity to develop graded precision in fine motor skills.

          3. Building with blocks helps children develop eye-hand coordination- From a very young age, when babies develop the ability to see and move their arm to reach for a block, those eye-hand coordination skills are beginning to develop. Visual motor integration is a main piece of the visual processing skills puzzle, and coordinating movements with visual information is essential for so many functional tasks in learning and play. Catching a ball, writing with a pencil, cutting with scissors, are just a few examples of eye-hand coordination tasks that rely on the baseline skills developed from a young age. Toddlers can manipulate and build with blocks while developing this skill through play. Stacking, knocking blocks over, building a block train, making towers, and using blocks in constructive play are powerful tools to developing eye-hand coordination skills.

          Like blocks, there are many toys to promote eye-hand coordination.

          4. Building with blocks helps children develop bilateral coordination– Establishing a hand dominance and laterality is an important fine motor skill that transfers to tasks like writing with a pencil and holding the paper with the nondominant hand. Another example is mastering a zipper while stabilizing the material with the other hand. Still another example of bilateral coordination is cutting with scissors while holding and manipulating the paper with the nondominant hand. All of these tasks requires one hand to manipulate objects with more precision and dexterity while the other acts as a stabilizer. Building with blocks builds bilateral coordination as children stabilize a stack of blocks with one hand and use the other hand to release a block at the top of the stack with graded precision.

          Here are more bilateral coordination activities that develop this essential motor skill.

          5. Building with blocks helps children develop motor planning skills– Motor planning is a physical action that requires observing and understanding the task (ideation), planning out an action in response to the task (organization), and the act of carrying out the task (execution). Building with blocks is a great way to build these sub-skills as kids attempt to build with blocks to construct with blocks.

          Here is more information on motor planning in kids.

          6. Building with blocks helps children integrate the proprioceptive sense– Proprioception is one of our sensory systems that focuses on awareness of how one’s body moves through space, and how much effort is needed to move in certain ways. The proprioception system receives input from the muscles and joints about body position, weight, pressure, stretch, movement and changes in position in space.  Our bodies are able to grade and coordinate movements based on the way muscles move, stretch, and contract. Proprioception allows us to apply more or less pressure and force in a task. Instinctively, we know that lifting a feather requires very little pressure and effort, while moving a large backpack requires more work.  We are able to coordinate our movements effectively to manage our day’s activities with the proprioceptive system.  The brain also must coordinate input about gravity, movement, and balance involving the vestibular system. Building with blocks is a great way to develop and refine this skill. How much effort is needed to pick up a block and place it in a specific spot without moving other blocks while building a tower of blocks or a block building?

          To take this a step further, use larger blocks that require gross motor skills, and more awareness of proprioception skills. Here are DIY cardboard blocks that we’ve made for this very purpose.

          Here is more information on proprioception activities.

          7. Blocks help children integrate midline awareness– Crossing midline can be developed from a young age when playing with blocks. This is a great way for babies and toddlers to work on crossing midline, by reaching for blocks, building, and creating.

          Here is more information on crossing midline.

          8. Blocks help children develop visual motor skills- Visual motor skills (and visual motor integration) are needed for coordinating the hands, legs, and the rest of the body’s movements with what the eyes perceive.  Visual  motor skills are essential to coordinated and efficient use of the hands and eyes. Visual motor integration is a skill we require for functioning. There is more that plays into the integration of visual motor skills into what we do and how we use our hands in activities. Building with blocks helps children develop skills in visual perception, eye-hand coordination, and visual processing skills play a part in the overarching visual motor skill development so we can perceive and process visual information and use that information with motor skills to manipulate and move objects in tasks and activities.

          By building with blocks, areas like form constancy, visual attention, visual discrimination, spatial relations, visual memory, visual sequential memory, and visual figure ground are developed in accordance with eye-hand coordination, and visual efficiency.

          Here is more information on visual motor skills.

          9. Building with blocks develops learning too! Beyond fine motor skills, building with blocks helps kids develop other skills too. What will your toddler learn by picking up Wood Blocks Set, placing them into a container, and stacking towers? (Among other skills):

          • Cause and effect
          • Problem solving
          • Spatial awareness
          • Copying a design or visual prompt
          • Problem solving
          • Math: patterns, sizing, spatial concepts
          • Literacy 
          • Manipulation
          • Depth Perception

          Here are more ways to use blocks to build skills in babies and toddlers.

          By stacking blocks developmental milestones are created in children.

          Did you know there are developmental milestones for stacking blocks?

          Building Blocks and Development

          From developing a palmer grasp transition to a radial grasp to a tripod grasp and precision with graded release of motor skills, building with blocks help kids develop so many skills.  For today’s activity, we pulled out the one inch square blocks from the set and we used classic Alphabet blocks.  (This set has been chewed on and played with by all four of my kids so they look well loved aka have chew marks!) 

          First up in developing fine motor skills with wooden blocks is the grasp. This is important in fine motor skills in toddlers. Blocks, for toddlers are a fine motor tool that builds on so many areas.

          Stacking blocks milestones

          There is a developmental progression of playing with blocks…aka stacking blocks milestones.

          Stacking Blocks milestones

          One resource that is helpful for occupational therapy providers and parents is knowing stacking blocks milestones. This is because we can help kids achieve fine motor and visual motor skills through play based on the level they are at and based on their age.

          We’ve listed the progression of stacking blocks and included the typical age after each task.

          The developmental ages of this progression are as follows:

          1. Grasps a block with whole fist, lifting it off a table surface without dropping: 5 months
          2. Grasps a block with all fingers: 6 months
          3. Drops one block when given another: 6 months
          4. Brings hands together when holding a block: 6 months
          5. Grasps a block between the thumb, pointer finger, and middle finger (radial-palmer grasp): 7 months
          6. Transfers a block from one hand to the other: 7 months
          7. Bangs to wooden blocks together with both hands: 9 months
          8. Grasps a block between the thumb, and the pads of the pointer and middle fingers with space between the block and the palm (radial-digital grasp): 11 months
          9. Places wooden blocks into a container: 11 months
          10. Builds a tower of three wooden blocks given a visual example: 15-16 months
          11. Copies and builds a tower of 5 blocks: 19-20 months
          12. Copies and builds a tower of 6 blocks: 21-22 months
          13. Builds a tower of 8 blocks: 25-26 months
          14. Copies a four block “train”: 29-30 months
          15. Builds a 10 block tower: 29-30 months
          16. Copies a three block pyramid or “bridge”: 31-32 months
          17. Copies a four block “wall”: 35-36 months
          18. Builds “steps” using six blocks: 51-52 months
          19. Builds a six block pyramid: 53-54 months

          Stacking blocks milestone development happens in natural play. Some ways to foster this skill include:

          • Modeling shapes and using them in floor play.
          • Using block creations in pretend play with small toys, and using toys that the child prefers like specific cars and figures.
          • Starting with easier block forms and then working up to more complicated forms.
          • Using a picture example of block forms (available in The Membership Club).

          The one thing to keep in mind about all of these activities listed below is to consider DIR Floor Time. Blocks are a natural tool to use in this technique because most often, blocks are used on the floor.

          Step 1- Make a block line.

          This might look like making a single line of blocks in a pretend play activity. You can tell the child that you are making a fence for animal figures or a house for doll figures. They might join in and help you build the line of blocks. If not, invite them! When you are making a line of blocks the goal is to make the blocks touch but not knock over or push blocks when setting them up. You also want to make sure there isn’t too much space in between the blocks or if the blocks don’t line up in a straight line. This is a great fine motor coordination activity and wonderful floor play.

          The block line is horizontal on the floor and there is not height to the line of blocks.

          Step 2- Stacking blocks: After you place blocks in a line you can work on stacking one block on top of another block. When you move to stacking two blocks, you have a few other components happening that require more developmental progression of fine motor and visual motor skills:

          • Grasp pattern and type on the block- As grasp is developed, you’ll see more precision and dexterity meaning more complex block designs and stacking.
          • Arch development for refined motor skills of the hand
          • Thumb web space which is needed for precision in grasp and release. If you see a child holding the block with a closed web space and little precision in the distal joints of the thumb and index fingers, you’ll see less graded precision in both placement and release of the fingers on the block.
          • Stable wrist needed for proximal support and distal mobility. When the wrist is in a flexed position, you don’t see as much dexterity and refined movements. The neutral wrist positioning with slight extension in the wrist is key.

          Step 3- Make a block train. To move from a line of blocks to creating a block wall in progression, we can ask the child to copy a block train. This is a combination of a line of blocks with two stacked blocks to create the stack of the train. Typically, you’ll want to do this step after stacking two blocks because of the combination of skills.

          Step 4- Begin stacking blocks. After you have a block train, you can create higher and higher stacks of blocks. The more blocks you add to the stack, the more precision skills and graded release of the hands (arch development, grasp, eye hand coordination, and open thumb web space). More blocks require more precision, because of the placement of the blocks on a higher stack of blocks. If the wrist isn’t stable or the distal joints of the fingers aren’t mobile, you’ll see less precision in placement.

          Step 5- Make a block wall. For this stage you want to stack up two or more lines of blocks to make a wall. Start with just two levels and work up from there. You can tell the child that you are making a wall for a castle or a house. The goal here is to stack the blocks with precision to place the blocks on top of one another and not over placing the block so that it’s not stacked up on the bloc below it. You also want to make sure their blocks are not going over the edge so that you end up with a leaning wall. This can be more challenging for little ones, especially when it comes to precision in placing the block and in graded release of the block in its place in the wall.

          Step 6- Make a block pyramid. For this stage of stacking blocks milestones this stage requires more complex fine motor precision and visual motor skills. There is a combination of placement of the blog in a line with aligning blocks to the one beside it as well as on top of the block below it in the stack. Additionally, there is placement of the blocks with shift to create steps on each side of the block pyramid.

          From here, we can create higher and higher block pyramids.

          Activities to Reach Stacking Blocks Milestones

          So, now that you know the ages that kids can typically stack blocks, let’s talk about how to support these skills with different block activities.

          We love using alphabet blocks because you can incorporate different areas of learning like letter identification, form constancy (different letter fonts are on the different sides of the blocks), and handwriting.

          Babies can develop the fine motor skill of a Radial palmer grasp with a wooden block

          A baby can hold blocks to work on grasp and release.

          This Radial Palmer Grasp of wooden block is a beginning grasp in toddlers.

          By playing with blocks from a young age, children can develop fine motor skills including a digital palmer grasp

          Older kids can use the same size letter blocks to work on in hand manipulation and eye hand coordination skills.

          After a radial palmer grasp, children progress to using a Digital Palmer Grasp of a Wooden Block. When children progress in development is the digital palmer grasp of holding a block, fine motor skill development speeds up fast.  By holding a block with the pads of the thumb and pointer and middle fingers, kids are working on the in-hand manipulation skills they will need for manipulating a pencil.  Make it fun while working on this area: Spin the block around with the tips of the fingers.  

          How does rotation in the hand help with functional skills?  You need simple and complex rotation to complete these tasks:

          • Rotating a pencil when re-positioning while writing
          • Opening a toothpaste lid
          • Turning a paper clip
          • Turning knobs
          • Rotating the dial of a combination lock
          These block stacking games and block activites can help kids develop skills.

          Use colored blocks in block stacking games in OT sessions.

          Block Stacking Games

          Now that you’ve read through the benefits of playing with blocks, and the stacking block milestones that impact fine motor skills in children, let’s cover ways to play with blocks while building these essential skills.

          While stacking blocks and knocking them down are a fantastic way to help small children build essential skills, there are so many more ways to play with blocks, too.

          These block stacking games and block activities can be used for fun block ideas while building skills at home or in occupational therapy sessions.

          1. With my toddler, we used the blocks to build small towers.  So, how can you make this a fun activity?  Usually, just playing with your kiddo and showing them how to build  a tower and knock down a tower makes building with blocks fun at this age. 
          2. These Alphabet blocks are great for working on rotation of the fingers.  Have your child look for specific shapes and letters on the sides of the blocks.

          3. Add small toys like animal figures.  Have the animals walk up and down the block steps. 

          4. Add play dough.  Have the child create “mortar” using the play dough between each block.

          5. Create a train track and push coins around a masking tape track.

          6. Build a wall to divide animal figures into a miniature zoo.

          7. Build a small bridge for small doll or animal figures.

          8. Build a pyramid and place a coin on each level.

          9. Sort the blocks into piles according to shape or color. Create patterns with colors or shapes. Make lines of the blocks and see which line has the most.

          10. Build blocks in water. Use foam blocks or plastic blocks in a low tray of water. How does the water impact stacking? Can you add soap foam? What happens then? There is so much cause-and-effect happening with water and block play! Here you can see how we used water and foam blocks for fine motor skills.

          Let your child use their imagination!  The best thing about blocks are the open ended-ness that happens when playing.  You can create houses, roads, animals, and any imaginative scene possible with just a set of blocks!

          Use these copying block designs occupational therapy activities to help kids develop skills

          Copying Block Designs in Occupational Therapy

          Beyond the fine motor skills listed above, there are visual motor skills that develop as well. This was covered briefly above, but to expand, copying block designs in occupational therapy is a skill that builds visual motor and visual perceptual skills needed for handwriting, reading, math, finding items like a utensil in a drawer, and so much more.

          When children copy block designs, occupational therapists are working on areas such as spatial awareness, visual discrimination, visual attention, visual sequential memory, visual memory, form constancy, position in space, and other areas.

          From top right and going clock-wise: 3 block pyramid or bridge, wall, pyramid, steps, and train.  

          You can also include the colored blocks to work on skills.

          Copying specific shapes works on the eye-hand coordination, grasp, precision, and visual perceptual skills needed for functional tasks like handwriting, cutting with scissors, manipulating small items, managing clothing fasteners, and tying shoes, among so many other tasks.    

          Development of fine motor skills using wooden blocks

          To make copying shapes with blocks fun, try these ideas:

          1. Build a block design alongside the child.

          2. Build a block design using only one color of blocks.

          3. Build a block design and then cover it with a small dishtowel. Can the child remember the design and build the same design?

          4. Build a design and describe the blocks positions. Is one color on top or next to another? Use positioning words like next to, above, below, beside, to the left, to the right, etc.

          5. Build bridge block designs and use small figures to cross the bridges.

          6. Use different types of blocks. Try using LEGO, duplo blocks, rock blocks, or other three dimensional shapes. The part to focus on is coping forms in the three dimensional aspect, regarding position in space. There are so many different types of blocks on the market that work well for developing these skills.

          7. Try building a small block form and then drawing it on paper.

          8. Play “What’s Missing”. Build a block design and ask the child to look at the design for 20 seconds. Then, cover the design with a small dishtowel and remove one or more of the blocks. Can the child then look at the block design and figure out what is missing?

          9. Make and build- Use colored paper to cut small squares that match the blocks you have in your set. Students can use the paper to “build” a two dimensional block design on paper or on the table top. Then, use real blocks to copy the paper design. This is an exercise in spatial concepts as students need to figure out any blocks that are out of view to hold up the block design.

          10. Build block designs in a window or in a sunny place where the design creates a shadow. A flashlight or small lamp could also work as well. Then, place a piece of paper alongside the block design. Ask students to trace the shadow outline.

          11. Create block forms that resemble real-life shapes, figures, and other relatable objects. Kids can copy block forms that resemble their favorite animals, people, and things like ice cream cones, presents, toys, vehicles, etc.

          Block activities for helping kids learn and develop motor skills

          Looking for more block activities?  

          Pair block building with a children’s book in this Ish Block Activity.

          This Fractions with KORXX Block activity is a great hands-on math activity using blocks to challenge children who are learning fractions.

          Use blocks and rubber bands to work on hand strength. Children can copy simple forms and connect them together using rubber bands.

          A Building Block Maze Activity focuses on gross motor skills and builds spatial awareness skills as well as body awareness and self-awareness to position in space.

          This Building Tens Castles is a nice way to help preschool and kindergarten aged students with the concept of tens and place value as they group blocks into groups of tens.

          This Word Family BINGO! challenges kindergarten and first grade students to build words by using blocks. It’s a hands-on learning activity that also develops visual perceptual skills, and visual scanning.

          A Building Block Addition Towers helps students with math concepts.

          Letter matching with this Superhero Alphabet Matching Activity uses blocks to work on letter awareness, recognition, as well as visual perceptual skills.

          This Sight Word ABCs with Blocks allows younger elementary school children to work on sight words as well as visual perceptual skills, eye-hand coordination, and motor planning.

          For a gross motor activity that gets kids moving, use blocks to work on letters and sounds with this Letter Sound Scavenger Hunt.

          Symmetrical awareness is a test of visual discrimination, form constancy, and visual memory. Work on symmetry with this Symmetry with Building Blocks activity.

          This word building activity focuses on Building CVC words with Blocks and challenges children with visual perception and visual motor skills.

          Working on visual attention, visual memory, and visual discrimination is easy with a block activity like this Making Patterns with Building Blocks idea.

          Our favorite block ideas: 

          How do you like to play with blocks?  Have you tried working on fine motor skills using wooden blocks?  Let us know!

          Colleen Beck, OTR/L has been an occupational therapist since 2000, working in school-based, hand therapy, outpatient peds, EI, and SNF. Colleen created The OT Toolbox to inspire therapists, teachers, and parents with easy and fun tools to help children thrive. Read her story about going from an OT making $3/hour (after paying for kids’ childcare) to a full-time OT resource creator for millions of readers. Want to collaborate? Send an email to

          I Spy Ice Cream

          Free ice cream I spy worksheet

          Summer is here!  My two favorite things are summer and ice cream.  What better way to honor these two things than a FREE I Spy Ice Cream printout!  Just because the kids are out of school, there is no reason to stop working on essential skills.  If you’re looking for a summer occupational therapy activity, then you are in the right place! Pair this I spy activity with our other ice cream activities for themed fun:

          Free Ice Cream I spy page

          Get the free Ice Cream I spy page by entering your email address into the form at the bottom of this page.

          In fact, this is the best time, since they are not getting daily reinforcement at school. I have written before about the staggering percentage of information lost during summer holiday. Here is the latest research on the “summer slide.”  Using some tools in a Summer OT program like the I spy activity below is perfect because it’s seasonal, yet fun for kids. Summer work and review is especially important for students with special needs, or those who are more prone to setbacks.

          I SPY ICE CREAM

          The mere mention of the phrase “school work” during the summer, can elicit groans and refusals that can be heard down the street. Head your reluctant learners off at the pass by providing fun engaging summer activities. Create a binder or notebook with lots of the free downloadable worksheets we offer on the OT Toolbox.  Start by adding your email below get your hands on this I Spy Ice Cream PDF.

          This great I Spy Ice Cream worksheet primarily targets visual perceptual skills, while also throwing some visual motor input in there.  As always, it can be adapted and modified to meet the needs and levels of many types of learners.

          Visual Perception Overview

          As a review, visual perception refers to the brain’s ability to make sense of what the eyes see. This is not the same as visual acuity which refers to how clearly a person sees (for example “20/20 vision”). A person can have 20/20 vision and still have problems with visual perceptual processing.

          Good visual perceptual skills are important for many every day skills such as reading, writing, completing puzzles, cutting, drawing, completing math problems, dressing, finding your sock on the bedroom floor as well as many other skills. Without the ability to complete these every day tasks, a child’s self esteem can suffer and their academic and play performance is compromised.

          Visual perception can be broken down into seven different sub-categories:

          • Sensory Processing: Accurate registration, interpretation, and response to sensory stimulation in the environment and the child’s own body.
          • Visual Attention: The ability to focus on important visual information and filter out unimportant background information.
          • Visual Discrimination: The ability to determine differences or similarities in objects based on size, color, shape, etc.
          • Visual Memory: The ability to recall visual traits of a form or object.
          • Visual Spatial Relationships: Understanding the relationships of objects within the environment.
          • Visual Sequential-Memory: The ability to recall a sequence of objects in the correct order.
          • Visual Figure Ground: The ability to locate something in a busy background.
          • Visual Form Constancy: The ability to know that a form or shape is the same, even if it has been made smaller/larger or has been turned around.
          • Visual Closure: The ability to recognize a form or object when part of the picture is missing


          After reviewing the visual perception overview, what skills do you think the I Spy Ice Cream addresses?  If you said sensory processing, visual attention, discrimination, visual memory, spatial relationships, and figure ground; you would be right! 

          If the ice creams were different sizes, shapes, and directions, form constancy would also be addressed.  There are a lot of worksheets out there that do just that (see below for links!).

          The directions for the I Spy Ice Cream worksheet instruct students to color each of the ice cream treats a different color, then find and color the matching items.  Lastly, they need to count how many of each item they found, and write it in the boxes.


          As mentioned above, visual perception is the key skill addressed with this free PDF of I Spy Ice Cream. There are many other skills being worked on simultaneously:

          • Kinesthetic awareness – This means learning by doing
          • Hand strength and dexterity – staying in the lines while coloring builds hand muscles and develops muscle control. 
          • Visual motor skills are combining what is seen visually and what is written motorically.  It requires coordination to be able to translate information from visual input to motor output. Coloring, drawing, counting, cutting, and tracing are some visual motor skills.
          • Sequencing – will your learner do the ice cream items in order?  Will they look for the easy and/or obvious answers first?  
          • Scanning – does your learner look in methodical order, or search in a haphazard pattern all over the page?  
          • Proprioception – pressure on paper, grip on writing tool
          • Counting/Learning Numbers – Count the items to understand number concepts in addition to writing them correctly.
          • Fine motor strengthening, hand development, and grasping pattern
          • Bilateral coordination – remembering to use their “helper hand” to hold the paper while writing is important for development.  Using one hand as a dominant hand instead of switching back and forth is encouraged once a child is in grade school, or demonstrates a significant strength in one or the other.
          • Strength – core strength, shoulder and wrist stability, head control, balance, and hand strength are all needed for upright sitting posture and writing tasks.
          • Executive function, following directions, attention, attention to detail, focus, sequencing, planning, task completion, neatness, impulse control, compliance, behavior, and work tolerance are all important skills to learn
          • Social function – whether working alone, or together in a group, you can address problem solving, sharing materials and space, turn taking, and talking about the activity

          Remember, you can assess all these skills at once, or focus on one or two.  Some skills above will be addressed without your conscious knowledge, while other skills you can be directly focusing on.


          The beauty of children is they are not all created equal.  This can pose a challenge as you try and provide activities for learners of all levels. Fortunately, most of our downloadable worksheets can be graded or modified in some way to meet the needs of different levels of learners.

          • Lowest level learners can point to the matching pictures without having to use motor skills
          • Middle level learners can use dot markers or stickers to match the ice cream, instead of coloring. They can also circle the matching pictures if coloring is too difficult
          • Higher level learners can elevate this task by writing an idea about ice cream treats, then create a story or memory out of this idea.  This turns into a multilevel activity to use during many sessions.  They can also draw about their ideas, or copy the designs.
          • Use other items to mark the matches like Bingo chips, pom poms, pennies, pieces of play dough, cereal, Legos, or whatever you have handy.
          • Laminate the page for reusability. This saves on resources, and many learners love to write with markers! Note: while some learners love to use wipe off sheets, others become upset they cannot take their work with them.  For those who want to save their work, consider taking a screenshot of it.
          • Make this part of a larger lesson plan including gross motor, sensory, social, executive function, or other fine motor skills
          • Talk about the animals, describe their characteristics, and give context clues to help your learner understand why certain pictures match
          • Enlarging the page may be necessary to beginning writing students who need bigger space to write, or larger items to color.
          • Project this page onto a smart board for students to come to the board and write in big numbers.
          • Different levels or types of prompting may be needed to grade the activity to make it easier or harder
          • Learners can explore other games they could make using this activity 
          • Work in pairs or in a small group to address problem solving, turn taking, and negotiation skills.

          can you believe there are still more ways to adapt and modify the i spy worksheet?

          • Sensory – add real ice cream treats to explore. Describe it in detail. Talk about how it feels, smells, and tastes, or what emotions it might evoke.
          • Executive function – hand the papers out with very limited instruction. Record how well your learners can follow instructions without prompting.
          • Social skills – sharing resources promotes social function. Talking about a themed lesson plan builds social skills.
          • Have students write on a slant board, lying prone on the floor with the page in front to build shoulder stability, or supine with the page taped under the table


          Creating a folder or binder is a great way to pre-plan your summer activities or save them for next year. The OT Toolbox is full of great resources for you to explore:

          • Free Summer I Spy worksheet
          • Free Beach I Spy worksheet
          • Weekly Fine Motor Plan
          • Beach Therapy Kit -This Beach-themed Therapy Kit has everything you need to work on handwriting, scissor skills, self-regulation, motor planning, gross motor skills, and visual motor development…all with a Beach theme!
          • Color and Write I Spy – add more I Spy activities to your packet
          • Summer Memory game – Use the memory cards in writing prompts, sensory play, and fine motor work, too: Kids can color and cut the memory cards, copying the colors from one sheet to the other to really build visual memory and visual scanning skills. 
          • Fairytale Fine motor kit This Fairy Tale Fine Motor Kit, with almost 100 pages of fun fairy tale themed activities is sure to please princes and princesses everywhere! 
          • ABCs of Summer Learning
          • Become a member of the OT Toolbox and get unlimited access to new and exciting content!

          Free Ice Cream I Spy Worksheet

          To get this printable, just enter your email address into the form below. We’ll send it to your inbox so you can print it off from any device and from any location (school or home). This printable is also found inside The OT Toolbox membership club.

          FREE Ice Cream I Spy

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            All this talk about ice cream makes me think about summer treats. I think I hear the ice cream truck coming!

            Victoria Wood, OTR/L is a contributor to The OT Toolbox and has been providing Occupational Therapy treatment in pediatrics for more than 25 years. She has practiced in hospital settings (inpatient, outpatient, NICU, PICU), school systems, and outpatient clinics in several states. She has treated hundreds of children with various sensory processing dysfunction in the areas of behavior, gross/fine motor skills, social skills and self-care. Ms. Wood has also been a featured speaker at seminars, webinars, and school staff development training. She is the author of Seeing your Home and Community with Sensory Eyes.

            Work on fine motor skills, visual perception, visual motor skills, sensory tolerance, handwriting, scissor skills, and much more so that kids can accomplish self-care tasks, learn, and grow through play all summer long.

            This bundle is perfect for the pediatric occupational therapist who needs resources and tools to use in summer therapy sessions.

            The Summer Activity Bundle includes:

            • Summer Fine Motor Kit
            • Summer Writing Sheets
            • Summer Memory Game- perfect for playing Memory or using in sensory bins
            • Summer OT Packet ($20 value)
            • 180 Outdoor Sensory Diet Cards- for when your kiddo is “sooooo bored” or using in sensory diets
            • BONUS: Summer Sensory Activity Guide

            This is a digital product that will last all Summer long!

            The Summer OT Bundle is your ticket to sending the kids back to school in the Fall without worrying about the “Summer Slide”. Each Fall, kids need to catch up on areas that they’ve lost over the summer months. With the Summer OT Bundle, there is no worry about falling backwards. Use the materials to maintain and even grow motor skill development this summer so kids can thrive and jump into learning next Fall.

            Summer OT Bundle

            Visual Noise and Learning

            Visual noise in the classroom

            In this post you will be discovering how to create a calm classroom, specifically tips to avoid the visual noise that distracts learning in the school environment. Classroom décor and organization can directly effect the engagement level of children in any classroom or learning space. When the environment is too visually stimulating, a student’s ability to focus becomes difficult. Keeping children’s attention can become frustrating. When a classroom environment that is soothing and organized is created, children are better able to stay engaged. In this blog, you will learn about the three different ways to make your classroom visually calm. 

            Visual noise in the classroom

            What is Visual Noise?

            When working with children, teachers think about all of the colors of the rainbow, and want to make classrooms bright and cheery. So many classroom theme sets have fun colors, bright designs, and patterns, contrasting bulletin board boarders, etc. Many believe that having a colorful classroom will keep children interested and engaged. 

            Visual Noise is just that: a visually distracting, or “noisy” visual scene in the classroom. A lot of teachers set up bulletin boards throughout the room with cut-outs in various themes: animal/monster/any theme , alphabet stickers, and painted murals on the walls. Maybe your classroom has a circle time rug that includes the ten different color squares. Perhaps you want to make sure all the children have something they like to do, so you have 20 fine motor choices in the manipulative area. 

            There is just one problem with using these types of visuals in the classroom, they are distracting! 

            • The bulletin boards all around the room are adorable, and fun to look at. So during circle time, you might find a child gazing at the wall, figuring out what new item is there. 
            • When there are rugs filled with colors, you may notice children looking down at the rug, maybe at the bright colors, while singing the color song in their head.
            • If teachers provide too many choices in one area of the classroom, children work with one toy for three minutes, then they are onto the next, without honing in, or practicing the skills that were intended.
            • For young children, and lots of adults, less is more! 

            visual processing

            Humans use vision from birth, to engage with the world around them. The way your brain process what you see, impacts how you interpret your interactions with the environment, and the people around you. To learn more about vision, this amazing PDF discusses visual hypersensitivity and under-sensitivity (or sensory seeking). 

            There are some visual processing red flags that may indicate difficulties with visual processing or ocular motor control:

            • Increased sensitivity to light
            • Easily distracted by visual stimuli, or difficulty sustaining visual attention to an activity
            • Frequently squints, rubs eyes, or gets a headache after visually demanding tasks such as reading, using a phone/tablet/computer, or watching television
            • Loses place in reading or writing
            • Trouble finding things they are looking for, even when they seem to be “right in front of them”
            • Distractions with reading
            • Difficulty tracking visual information
            • Difficulty initiating or holding eye contact
            • Difficulty focusing on one piece of visual information
            • Increased fear of, or desire for, being in the dark
            • Difficulty discriminating between similar shapes, letters, or pictures
            • Letter reversals or number reversals
            • Difficulties with handwriting such as letter reversals, sizing, spacing, or alignment of letters
            • Frequently loses their place while reading or copying
            • Often bumps into things
            • May be slow or hesitant with stairs
            • Difficulty with visually stimulating activities, i.e., puzzles, locating objects in pictures, completing mazes, word searches or dot-to-dots
            • Trouble knowing left from right or writing with both hands

            How to reduce visual noise when planning your classroom

            When planning out your classroom, visual stimulation is important, however there are many ways to make sure there is reduced visual noise, so the environment is not overwhelming.

            Think about how you feel when you go to the spa. Those deep earthy wall colors calm your bodies and nerves instantly! The Montessori and Reggio Emilia educational philosophies advise visual components as a way to keep their classroom calm and focused.

            The Reggio Emilia philosophy recognizes the environment as the child’s third teacher. What is in a child’s environment, how it’s organized, and what it looks like, directly impacts what a child will learn that day. 

            two ways to make sure your environment is visually calming 

            Colors – When picking out colors for your classroom, whether it be for the furniture, rugs, or wall decor, the best way to support a calm visual classroom, is to choose more natural colors. These include blues, greens and browns.

            • Choose toy baskets, or white bins, as opposed to brightly colored ones.
            • Consider turning toy shelves around or covering with neutral fabric to further reduce visual noise.
            • Choose predictable carpet rugs (Amazon affiliate link) like this one, instead of random colorful squares. Carpet samples of neutral colors are an excellent idea to create boundaries while limiting visual distraction.
            • When decorating your walls, allow for empty blank space, and use more of children’s artwork. Consider the use of cloth and fabric.

            Classroom Organization – When choosing how many activities and materials to place in each are of your classroom, keep in mind that less is more! When children have too many options to choose from, this can create a short attention span, and overwhelm from choice overload.

            Organization in the classroom can mean stacks of papers, tons of sticky notes, messy desks, and disorganized files, too.

            In a typical preschool classroom, there are 8 areas of learning: art, fine motor, science, reading, dramatic play, block, large motor and snack! When you use furniture to visually create specific spaces for each center, the classroom is organized, and children know what is expected of them in each area.

            Older classrooms may not have the toys, block areas, and motor components, but there are designated areas: group areas, centers, desks, cubbies, or lockers, teacher areas, information centers, etc. All of these areas can be considered when it comes to visual input.

            This blog from Lovely Connection, on preschool classroom set up, includes important aspects to think about as you plan your classroom layout. She includes information about including noise, popularity, supervision, boundaries, space, and the race track (when kids run around the room in a circular pattern!)

            What happens when children are still overwhelmed, even when the environments are visually calming?

            When a child feels overwhelmed for any reason, having a calm down corner, that is easily accessible and they can stay in as long as they need, is a must have.  My Soothing Sammy Emotions Program.” is an effective calm down area because students are excited to spend time with the adorable golden retriever Sammy. Not only does “The Sammy Program” teach children how to calm down, it guides them through communication and problem solving situations in a visual way that isn’t overwhelming.

            Check out this great blog about visual processing and visual efficiency from the OT Toolbox archives. When a child has visual processing difficulties, they have a harder time taking in visual information, and processing it in order to make sense of it.

            This visual processing bundle, also available in the Toolbox, can support children who are demonstrating visual processing challenges. 

            The Sensory Lifestyle Handbook (also available on Amazon) written by Colleen Beck of the OT Toolbox, is a great resource to start understanding sensory processing disorders.

            A final note about visual noise

            Visual noise doesn’t only occur indoors, it can happen outdoors, especially if there is a lot of activity and sunlight. Being mindful of the visual stimuli outdoors, is just as important as setting up an indoor classroom.

            If you have a child who is having a hard time visually processing their environment outside, these visual sensory activities can be completed outdoors to support their sensory system.

            While considering visual sensory overload in the classroom, also be sure to check out our resource on auditory sensitivities in the classroom. Both are very useful in setting up an inclusive classroom environment for success.

            Classroom themes are adorable and cute! When planning your classroom, keep in mind how “busy” and overstimulating different colors and amount of objects can be. This will help keep your students calm and engaged. Although everyone processes their environment differently, anyone can all benefit from a more calming environment, especially when learning new skills! 

            Jeana Kinne is a veteran preschool teacher and director. She has over 20 years of experience in the Early Childhood Education field. Her Bachelors Degree is in Child Development and her Masters Degree is in Early Childhood Education. She has spent over 10 years as a coach, working with Parents and Preschool Teachers, and another 10 years working with infants and toddlers with special needs. She is also the author of the “Sammy the Golden Dog” series, teaching children important skills through play.