When we looked at our top ten posts of 2014, we noticed a funny thing. A few of our most popular blog posts were homemade play dough recipes. You must like play dough as much as we do! We had to put together a collection of our top play dough recipes of the year to put them all in one place and to have little look back at the year of fun we’ve had with homemade play dough!

The best homemade play dough recipes:

Our most popular post this year was our Make crayon play dough recipe and it was by far our favorite. If you haven’t tried this recipe yet, it’s a must-make! This dough is smooth, soft, and very bold in color. We’ve got plans to make a few more versions of this dough in 2015, so stay tuned!
Going through our list of play doughs from this year, these were most popular:

# 3. Pop Play Dough

Looking for fun ways to play with homemade playdough?
More play dough ideas you may like: