Occupational Therapy Memes

If there’s one thing that’s true, it’s that Occupational Therapists love to laugh. Maybe it’s the therapeutic use of self and the use of humor in therapy that allows us this ability. At any rate, we love occupational therapy memes! These OT memes are perfect to include with our occupational therapy month activities for occupational therapy month during April…or any time of year to celebrate the profession of occupational therapy!

Here, we’re sharing some new OT memes that we’ve been sharing over on our Facebook page. Use these to share your passion for the profession, spread knowledge about occupational therapy, and to have a quick laugh! Speaking of laughs, be sure to check out our occupational therapy jokes page!

Occupational Therapy Memes (That Therapists Love)

We’ve shared a few of these memes on Facebook and Twitter so far, and let’s just say, us OTs love to share our love for our profession! Some of our most popular occupational therapy memes include the ones below. Some are funny occupational therapy quotes and others are dedicated to the school-based therapist. Can you relate to any of these therapy memes?

Here are some sensory memes we’ve shared recently.

Pediatric therapists know the joy of having a clinic full of the fun stuff! Whether the gym-favorite is the ball pit or the game closet, there is a lot of fun happening in the occupational therapy gym! What is your favorite: the ball pit, shaving cream, or a specific toy?

OT meme

As an OT, there is just something about a clearance sign. If you are like me, you go on high-alert for potential therapy tools on the discount rack! During the end of summer, you might just find therapists scooping up all of the sidewalk chalk and bubbles…and those awesome Target dollar spot finds! There’s a reason why: OTs are skilled at using a toy or game in novel ways. A box of chalk can make it through an entire caseload…while working on everything from visual motor skills to gross motor strength and endurance…through the child’s primary occupation: play!

So, when you find a box of chalk on clearance, grab it up and watch the magic happen in the therapy room!

Occupational therapy meme

School-based OTs are some of the most efficient and busy therapists I know. From August through June, they are running from building to building (and district to district in some cases!), pulling luggage full of therapy supplies, and documenting well into the night sometimes. Don’t even mention IEP and Annual Review season! But one thing is for sure: when those summer months arrive, school-based OTs are free and loving life! Until summer school starts up!

This OT meme hit a funny bone for some therapists…Sunday nights for the school-based OTs on summer break mean just another summer day is coming, and not a case of the Mondays!

Self-care is essential for those in the healthcare field. Burnout is real! For some of us, coffee is just the right amount of self-care needed to jump into another day’s caseload! Therapist survival is a must…coffee helps!

School-based OTs and handwriting goals go hand-in-hand (pun intended!) So, after working in the field for a little while, therapists begin to notice a new superpower…the ability to read AND write upside down and backwards!

You know what I’m talking about…you’re sitting across from a student who is working on letter formation, letter spacing, line placement, and other aspects of functional handwriting. But, if you take the paper away from the student in order to correct or write words on the page, the student’s visual gaze is disrupted, attention falters, and you need to start over with orientation to the page, word, and letters. Not good.

So what happens? You develop the ability to write every upper case and lowercase letter from your position, sitting across from the child. You can write from the child’s left side to the child’s right side of the page, AND forming those letters from top to bottom, from the child’s perspective. Amazing!

You know you are an occupational therapist when analyzing pencil grasps in every coffee shop, bank, library, hotel desk, post office, DMV…everywhere! We have this additional sense called pencil grasp analysis! We just can’t help but notice bad pencil grasps everywhere.

Occupational therapy meme

You’ve seen it before. Probably earlier today if it was a work day for you…that supply closet in the occupational therapy room that is absoluselty overflowing with therapy putty, games, toys, ride on toys, therapy balls, hula hoops, puzzles, art supplies, therapy band. The list goes on and on. And onto the floor sometimes!

The occupational therapy supply closet can be a place to find some old school items from years past! But the thing is, the OT will find a novel use for any item in that closet, and knock out some goals!

OT month. You know you are an OT when

What are some funny occupational therapy memes that you’ve seen?

Sensory Processing Spanish Resource

Spanish Occupational Therapy Resource

Here on The OT Toolbox, we’ve had a Sensory Processing Disorder information packet available for a long time. The booklet is a free handout that offers an understanding on sensory processing concerns. It’s a handout that can be used to advocate for sensory needs and is one of our top sensory processing resources here on the site. I’m excited to say that this booklet has been translated into Spanish! Below, you will find a Spanish resource on Sensory Processing that can be used by therapists working with Spanish-speaking clients and families.

Sensory processing information resource in Spanish for printing and educating in Spanish resources for occupational therapy

Sensory Processing Disorder Resource in Spanish

Sensory processing resources in Spanish can be hard to come by. For the client working in the Spanish-speaking community or for those looking for resources for their caseload, having a go-to booklet can make all the difference. Therapists need resources that don’t take time to create while supporting the clients they serve. 
This booklet can be used to help and educate adults with sensory processing concerns too. ,
Many times, therapists use conversational Spanish, but a sensory resource translated into Spanish would be an asset to their therapy toolbox. The specific terms used in describing and understanding SPD and the sensory systems can be tricky to portray in translation.


Que es procesamiento sensorial free printable resource for sensory processing information with a Spanish translation for Spanish speaking clients




This Spanish Sensory Processing information booklet is perfect for the therapist needing resources to educate parents and teachers.

You’ll find information on sensory processing, including each of the sensory systems and how these sensory systems present when sensory processing is a challenge. You’ll find each sensory system covered on its own page, including interoception, vestibular sense, tactile sense, and proprioception…all of which are big topics and can be difficult to portray in translating sensory information during occupational therapy sessions.

Sensory processing information in spanish for educating and helping Spanish speaking occupational therapy clients

Pages in the sensory processing information booklet are easy to read and broken own by sensory system. For the full printable booklet, scroll below to enter your email.






In this sensory resource, you’ll find each of the sensory systems broken down and information telling how the sensory systems are related to behaviors, actions, and specific needs that we see. This resource is a powerful way to get the information across! 


Print this free Spanish resource for explaining sensory processing with a spanish translation.

Occupational Therapy Resources in Spanish

Let me know if this resource is helpful to you! Would you be interested in more Occupational Therapy resources in Spanish?

Free Sensory Processing Disorder Booklet in SPANISH!

Use this sensory processing resource for understanding sensory processing and the sensory systems


Celebrate “Sensory”

These sensory memes are perfect for advocating for sensory and sharing sensory processing information.
If there’s one thing that is certain, it’s that we are ALL “sensory”! So often, therapists or teachers hear the term “sensory” in the classrooms and clinics. The term sensory can sometimes be used as a noun to describe a child or behaviors that are a result of sensory processing needs. Today, I wanted to offer a handful of sensory memes that can help us to better understand that we are all sensory creatures. It’s the way we are wired as humans!

While there definitely are behaviors and actions that are connected or as a result of unmet sensory needs or in direct relation to an unregulated sensory system, sometimes the word “sensory” is just that. A word. So, let’s celebrate the sensory beings that we all are with a few sensory memes!

Sensory meme: We are ALL Sensory in one way or another!

Sensory Memes

The sensory memes here are part of a Celebrating Sensory …celebration! If you would like a file with these memes delivered right to your inbox, scroll to the bottom of this post. You can get them as well as two sensory processing disorder packets for celebrating and advocating for sensory processing. They are free files for you!

We are all “Sensory”

Here’s the thing: we are ALL sensory! We all have ways that we keep ourselves regulated whether it’s by taking a deep breath when you’re feeling stressed, or by getting up and pacing during a phone call. You’ve seen so many forms of self-regulation in action:
  • Clicking a pen during a meeting
  • Quickly tapping a toe or wiggling one leg
  • Stretching
  • Taking a moment to take a deep breath and refresh
  • Needing to step away and sip cold water
  • Naps!
Sensory regulation comes in all forms. And, sensory processing needs can be met in so many ways. We are all different and in that, comes so many means of self-regulating.
For our kids who struggle with regulation, yes; The term “sensory” applies. But, we are ALL sensory!


For ideas to add sensory input into everyday play, try these sensory play ideas.

For information on sensory diets, we’ve got a lot here on The OT Toolbox. This article on What is a Sensory Diet can get you started.

HUGE Sensory Resource

Sensory meme: Child super powers. Kids are capable!
Celebrate ability and kindness. Our kids are capable. Let’s power them by telling them.
Sensory meme: You are strong, capable, loved, and so much more!
You are strong, capable, loved, and so much more!
Sensory meme: Celebrate differences!
Celebrate what makes us different!
Sensory meme: Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.
Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.
Want to get these memes? These pics AND our Sensory Processing Disorder Booklet and the NEW Spanish version of the Sensory Processing Disorder Booklet are available in a massive printable file. Print off the booklets to start advocating for sensory processing today. Simply print and hand out! The memes can be used on social media.
Grab them by entering your email below. If you are using a school system’s email or an email on a .us, .edu, .gov or other email on a large system, the email delivering these files may be blocked as the email contains a file to access. You may want to enter a personal email address here to ensure delivery. For any issues with accessing these files, simply email contact@www.theottoolbox.com

Free Sensory Processing Disorder Booklet

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at anytime.

    Colleen Beck, OTR/L has been an occupational therapist since 2000, working in school-based, hand therapy, outpatient peds, EI, and SNF. Colleen created The OT Toolbox to inspire therapists, teachers, and parents with easy and fun tools to help children thrive. Read her story about going from an OT making $3/hour (after paying for kids’ childcare) to a full-time OT resource creator for millions of readers. Want to collaborate? Send an email to contact@theottoolbox.com.