It’s that time again! Here is your March Occupational Therapy calendar for treatment ideas and themed activities designed to work on goal areas. These ideas can be customized to meet the needs of your patient or client and modified as needed. Add these St.Patrick’s Day activities, Spring activities, and shamrock activities to your occupational therapy activities toolbox.
As always, consult an Occupational Therapist for a full assessment of your child as no two kids are alike and even with similar diagnoses or problem areas, unique treatment strategies are a must.
Disclaimer: This is intended to be a resource and not a replacement for occupational therapy treatment. You may print off this calendar and share it with your clients or direct contacts. You may not share this resource digitally or post it online.

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March Occupational Therapy Activities
1. Shamrock Stomp- Works on proprioception, gross motor, coordination, visual motor skills, visual scanning. Spread out Shamrock cut outs on the floor. Show your child how to stomp, hop, and jump on the shamrocks. Looking for more info? Read about proprioception here.
2. Shamrock Balance Beam– Use those same Foam Shamrocks from above to create a balance beam. Use the same strategies as our snowflake balance beam.
3. Green Smash– Works on fine motor skills, hand eye coordination, proprioception, and visual scanning with baked cotton balls. Dye them green for a March theme. Read how to make baked cotton balls and how to use them in OT activities here.
4. Four Leaf Clover Prints– Make a clover shape from a pipe cleaner, sort of like we did here. Add paint to make clover stamp art. Works on tripod grasp.
5. Rainbow Wrap- Grab a bunch of colorful blankets, towels, and scarves. Ask your kiddo to lay don on the floor as you roll them up in the colors of the rainbow! Works on proprioception.
6. Rainbow Dance– Use colored paper sheets to create colored areas on the floor (one sheet per color is enough!). Turn up the music and dance. Assign each color to different gross motor movements like reaching down to the ground with head between legs. Have someone turn off the music and everyone runs to a color and does the motion. This is a vestibular sensory input, gross motor, motor planning, listening, attention, and visual scanning activity.
7. Flower Threading Craft– Grab petals, leaves, and flowers (real or fake) and thread with a large embroidery needle. Thread the flowers along the thread to work on fine motor skills, pincer grasp, tripod grasp, bilateral hand coordination, in-hand manipulation, visual scanning, hand-eye coordination, and crossing midline.
8. Shamrock Air Draw– Ask your child to lay down on the floor on his back. (Get down on the floor right beside him!) Raise your arm straight up in the air and draw a big shamrock in the air. Now stand up and lean over, hanging your hands straight down to the ground and draw another large shamrock in the air. Works on gross motor, motor planning, crossing midline, and vestibular.
9. Rainbow Sensory Bin– Create a sensory bin based on the colors of the rainbow to work on fine motor skills, tactile sensory input, language development, self-confidence, hand-eye coordination, and in-hand manipulation.
10. Shamrock Wall Push-Ups– Tape Foam Shamrocks to the wall and show your child how to place their hands on the shamrocks. Press away from the wall, doing a standing push-up. Works on proprioception, upper body strengthening, core body strength.
11. Rainbow Wave– Grab a brightly colored sheet and play parachute with 2 or 3 other people. Add small scraps of fabric or tissue paper to the top of the sheet. Works on bilateral hand coordination, gross motor skills, problem solving, visual tracking.
12. Clover Balloon Toss– Draw a four leaf clover on a balloon. Practice batting the balloon from person to person, not letting it hit the ground. Next, do this activity by walking on knees. Finally, do this activity sitting on the floor. Other ways to play: Use new fly swatters to hit the balloons. Add more balloons to the game. Works on visual scanning, visual tracking, hand-eye coordination, bilateral coordination, and crossing midline.
13. Rainbow Color Match Up– Use colored clothes pins to match up to items around the home. Try to find all of the colors of the rainbow. Works on fine motor skills: pinch grasp, tripod grasp, hand strength.
14. Oral Motor Bunny Sensory Play– Work on oral motor sensory skills with a DIY bunny craft and a straw. Works on oral motor skills, mouth musculature, visual scanning, coordination, motor planning, and problem solving.
15. I Spy Visual Perception Activity– Make your own real life “I Spy” game using spring, Easter, or St. Patrick’s Day toys, items, stickers, plastic eggs, beads, etc. Spread them all out on a table and ask your child to search and find certain items. This is similar to this I Spy activity we’ve done. Works on visual memory, visual scanning, and language development.
16. Pot of Gold Sensory Bin– Grab gold coins, yellow checker pieces, or even real money and put them all into a big bin. Add tweezers and tongs to work on fine motor skills as your child scoops and places the coins into a bowl. Works on tripod grasp, open thumb web space, intrinsic muscle strength, and hand-eye coordination. Here is more information on the fine motor benefits of playing with coins.
17. Shamrock Bean Bag Toss– Cut shamrocks from felt (or use these ones) and pin them onto bean bags. Toss them into bowls, pans, and other target areas. Try playing hopscotch with the bean bags, too. This is similar to our snowflake bean bag toss activity. Works on motor planning, proprioception, hand-eye coordination.
18. Bunny Hop– Find some friends and do the bunny hop. Such a classic Easter activity is a great way to incorporate bilateral hand coordination, motor planning, proprioception, listening skills, direction following, and problem solving.
19. Egg Trampoline Toss– This is an activity to use with a mini trampoline or a full size outdoor trampoline. Tape plastic eggs shut with tape, Throw them on the trampoline and try to catch them as they bounce back up. This is and activity for vestibular sensory input, hand-eye coordination, and motor planning. Don’t have a trampoline? No problem! Use plastic eggs in a tossing game, or a color scavenger hunt.
20. Rainbow Write- Place a piece of paper on the floor. Have a big piece like a roll of wrapping paper? Even better! Use crayons or markers to write words in one color. Then trace over those words or letters in another color. Work your way through the colors for a beautiful way to practice letter formation. This activity works on proprioceptive input, core strengthening, letter formation, wrist and shoulder stability, visual motor skills, and more.
21. Sensory Egg Hunt– Create an egg hunt in a confined area with a sensory twist: Use a blindfold and a leader who needs to describe the directions the blindfolded person needs to go. Provide an arm support to avoid injuries! Works on visual imagery, teamwork, and problem solving.
22. Easter Egg Line Awareness– Practice pre-writing line awareness with an Easter theme. Working on more advanced skills? Try writing words on the lines of the eggs. Can’t do an Easter theme in your school? Adapt this activity to become a Spring flower line awareness activity.
23. Dirt Dig– Start turning dirt for a Sensory Garden. Not growing a garden this year? Try some indoor gardening with flowers or herbs. Works on sensory input, proprioception, problem solving, and executive functioning skills.
24. Visual Scanning Color Search– Look for the colors of Spring (go through the rainbow) in an outdoor color hunt. Gather items from nature in each color of the rainbow. Works on visual scanning, motor planning,
25. Proprioception Egg Squeeze– Use balloons to make sensory squeeze balls for stress relief through proprioception to the hands. Add other items to the balloons like flour for differing resistances. Works on proprioception, hand strengthening.
26. Spring Scooter Maze– Use a floor scooter, skateboard, or even a regular scooter as a wheeled seat to go through a maze drawn in chalk on a driveway. Kids can use their legs to pull along the path drawn with flowers and spring raindrops. Works on core muscle strength, proprioception, motor planning, problem solving, and visual perception.
27. Basket Crawls– Crawl across the floor crab walk/bear walk/wheelbarrow style. The only problem is, you’ve got to carry a basket with you! How can you get it across the room? Maybe it’s on your belly or attached to a foot. Works on motor planning, problem solving, bilateral coordination, gross motor skills, proprioception. Try these brain breaks for more ideas.
28. Spring Squeeze– Grab the cushions from the couch and make a big pile to squeeze out the winter blahs. Try adding more or less pillows. Works on proprioception.
29. Robin Sensory Bin– Use an egg carton to make a robin busy bag and add it to a Spring themed sensory bin for tactile play. Works on fine motor skills, tactile sensory.
30. Flower Roll– Roll across a room or down a hill while naming types of flowers. Works on vestibular input, proprioception, motor planning.
31. Seed Fine Motor Names– Use squeeze glue to write a name, letters, or words. Use seeds (or small pieces of paper torn up into bits) and sprinkle them on the glue letters.