Activities for Auditory Learners

Auditory learner

Here, we are covering activities for auditory learners, but you’ll also discover types of learners (an auditory learner is just one learning style!) and how to best support students with specific listening needs. Let’s get started with auditory processing activities to support auditory learners. For students with auditory sensitivities that impact learning and participation in the classroom, understanding the auditory learner is essential.

Auditory learner

What is an Auditory Learner?

Learning styles are the manner in which we best learn and process information. 

Examples of learning styles include auditory learners, kinesthetic learners, and visual learners.  Each of us has a preference (either obvious or less obvious) to one style of learning or another.  As children develop, they can progress through different stages and preferences of learning.

Kids can succeed with a variety of learning styles.  One strategy is to address the sense of hearing when teaching new concepts or reinforcing older concepts. 

There are many characteristics of a student who is an auditory learner. A few indications include the children who can’t seem to stop talking, the child who repeats verbal information out loud, or the child who prefers discussion in classroom activities.  

Read below to find more characteristics of auditory learners and activities for auditory learners in the classroom or at home.

You may have heard the term “audio learner” used as well. An audio learner is another phrase that means auditory learner, and refers to someone who learns best through auditory sources of information.

Audio learners/auditory learners are individuals who prefer to process information through listening, speaking, and hearing. They have a natural inclination towards absorbing and retaining information through sound and auditory input.

This means that for them, sources of information such as lectures, discussions, audio recordings, podcasts, and verbal instructions are the best ways to absorb and retain information.

Audio learners tend to excel in activities that involve spoken language, such as participating in group discussions, engaging in debates, or listening to audiobooks. They often have strong listening skills and can easily grasp concepts by hearing them explained or discussed aloud. To optimize their learning experience, audio learners may benefit from using techniques like reading aloud, engaging in conversations, recording and replaying lectures, or utilizing mnemonic devices that involve sound and rhythm.

Auditory Memory

Auditory memory, or audio memory is another concept that should be covered. 

Auditory memory (aka audio memory) refers to the ability to remember and recall information that has been heard or listened to. It is a component of auditory learning and involves the retention and retrieval of auditory stimuli or information.

People with strong audio memory can remember and recall spoken words, conversations, lectures, music, or any other auditory input with relative ease. This type of memory can be advantageous for individuals who learn best through auditory means, as they can remember information more effectively when it is presented in an audio format.

auditory memory

To improve auditory memory, try strategies such as:

  • repetition
  • verbal rehearsal
  • mnemonic devices
  • voice recordings
  • audio notes

Using these tools can assist in reinforcing and retaining information for individuals with a preference for auditory learning.

Try these strategies to help kids who are auditory learners in the classroom or at home.


Characteristics of Auditory Learners

Not all children who are auditory learners will experience all of the characteristics below.

  • Prefer listening in the classroom
  • Like to talk
  • Repeats directions
  • Can’t concentrate when there are noises in the environment
  • Can’t fall asleep to music or a television
  • Benefits from repetition of directions
  • Learns best when listening
  • Learns well from videos
  • Easily recalls songs, poems, and phrases
  • Talks out decision processes
  • Remembers facts in detail when hearing them
  • Prefers to hear all of the facts when learning something new
  • Hums or talks to self
  • Easily can identify differences in pitch or tone of sounds
  • Follows verbal instructions better than written instructions
  • Prefers smaller groups in the classroom (limits the auditory distractions)
  • Remembers facts better after repeating them
  • Talks or moves lips while they write
  • Recalls a person’s tone of voice when remembering a conversation
  • When reading or writing, written information may not make sense until it’s been read aloud
  • Writes with light pencil pressure
  • Children who learn best through the auditory sense may benefit from auditory strategies.  
  • May have auditory sensitivities in the classroom

Try some of the activities for auditory learners that are listed below:

Activities for auditory learners

Activities for Auditory Learners

For individuals who are auditory learners, an auditory learning style of specific activities can support intake and retention of information.

  • Read homework directions out loud
  • Record facts on video and then replay it.  A mobile phone or tablet works well for this strategy.
  • Sing facts to a tune
  • Work on commonly misspelled words like those words with similar diagraphs. Use hands-on, multisensory activities to support auditory needs. 
  • Write a song when memorizing facts or spelling words
  • Teach to other students or even to stuffed animals
  • Practice in front of a mirror
  • Try a whisper phone
  • Listen to books on tape using headphones
  • Rhyme facts
  • Spell words out loud in different pitches and tones
  • Use noise eliminating headphones in the classroom or during tests
  • Find a quiet space for homework
  • Turn off distractions. Consider televisions, phones, or even fans
  • Use mnemonic devices to memorize facts
  • Listen to audiobooks
  • Use oral reports for classroom projects
  • Allow students to record portions of homework or projects onto devices
  • Make flashcards and read them out loud
  • During classroom lessons, clap or speak louder during important parts
  • Speak in syllables

    What are your best strategies to help auditory learners?
strategies to help kids who are auditory learners in the classroom or at home.

The Auditory Processing Kit is a printable packet to address listening skills, whole body listening, listening comprehension, active listening, and auditory processing needs. This printable packet contains active listening activities, hands-on strategies, activity cards, visual cards, handouts, and more.

Auditory Processing Kit

The Auditory Processing Kit is a tool to support learners by building skills in listening comprehension, auditory processing needs, and much more. The tools offer support to learners with hyper-responsive or hypo-responsive auditory systems. Therapists love the hands-on activities to support learning and active listening through play and handwriting tasks.

  • Listening Comprehension
  • Fine Motor Listening Skills
  • How to Improve Listening Skills Poster
  • Clap It Out Syllables Orthographic Activities
  • Beginning Sounds Letter Activity
  • Rhyming Words Activity
  • Activity Listening Activity
  • Hearing Skills Activity
  • Auditory Memory Strategies
  • What Does Active Listening Look Like?
  • Whole Body Listening Activity
  • Whole Body Listening Poster
  • Listening and Motor Skills Game
  • 2 Step Direction Cards
  • How to Support Hyper-Responsiveness of the Auditory Sense (handout and info sheet)
  • How to Support Hypo-responsiveness of the Auditory Sense (handout and info sheet)
  • Auditory Processing Tools Cards
  • Auditory Processing Speed -2 Digit Numbers
  • Auditory Processing Speed -3 Digit Numbers
  • Auditory Processing Speed -4 Digit Numbers

Use the handouts and posters to teach about the auditory system and auditory sensitivities, with strategies to support individualized needs. Get your copy of the Auditory Processing Kit today.

Colleen Beck, OTR/L has been an occupational therapist since 2000, working in school-based, hand therapy, outpatient peds, EI, and SNF. Colleen created The OT Toolbox to inspire therapists, teachers, and parents with easy and fun tools to help children thrive. Read her story about going from an OT making $3/hour (after paying for kids’ childcare) to a full-time OT resource creator for millions of readers. Want to collaborate? Send an email to

Summer I Spy

Summer I Spy

If you are already searching for more activities to do with your children, check out this free downloadable PDF! The Summer I Spy worksheet is a great multipurpose page to enhance your summer occupational therapy activities or learning program.

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summer I SPY

During the Summer months, having accessible and fun activities like a Summer themed I Spy activity is key. Why? Because an activity like our Summer I Spy sheet targets so many areas that are covered in typical occupational therapy sessions (depending on the needs of the individual).

One activity that occupational therapy providers love is an I Spy sheet. This I Spy Summer worksheet is a fantastic resource for parents seeking a creative solution on thos rainy Summer days. It can also be used by an occupational therapist or OTA eager to provide an exciting summer assignment.

These free printables offer therapeutic value, inviting children to uncover hidden treasures amid the sunny season’s charms.

From spotting colorful beach balls to identifying cheerful seashells and Summer treats, these worksheets encourage visual observation skills, attention/concentration, and cognitive development, all while having fun.

Whether utilized at home or sent home by an occupational therapist, the I Spy Summer printables are sure to engage young minds!

When you pull out one of these sheets, you can work on the same skills that were addressed in weekly school-based OT sessions:

According to a new study, children lose up to an average of 40% of the gains they have made over the school year while on summer break. While some students retain and gain as much as 32% during the summer months, others lose up to 90% of what they learned during the school year!

The ‘summer slide’, or ‘summer learning loss’, reversing some of the progress students have made over the year, is a well-known effect of the summer break.

“Because summer losses accumulate over time, consecutive losses add up to a sizeable impact on where students end up on the achievement distribution.”

Skills like written work are not typically addressed during the summer months for most children. This is why having fun activities like summer handwriting practice or an all-in-one Summer-themed I Spy activity is key to preventing these loss of skills.

Adding meaningful activities during the summer months can help reverse some of the summer slide. One great activity to add, is the free Summer I Spy resource. Throughout the summer (as well as all year round), the OT Toolbox will be providing you with great new resources to add to your toolbox.

Avoid the summer slide with a fun activity like our I spy printable!

The great thing about a lot of the resources available on the OT Toolbox for learners of all ages, is that many of them are multipurpose, meaning they help students work on many skills at once. This is especially helpful during the summer months when students are even more reluctant to complete anything that looks like school work.

The Summer I Spy activity page primarily addresses visual perception. In addition, it addresses visual motor, number concepts, and executive function skills. To use the Summer I Spy page:

  • Ask learners to search for the different icons within the page. It is best if they color code the pictures so they can easily count the items. The Summer I Spy page is different than the I Spy Beach printable also featured on the OT Toolbox, in that learners have to count how many of each item they find. This adds to the complexity of the activity, along with math and counting skills.
  • After finding the items, learners will write down what the items are called on the next page. They will have to recall spelling, letter formation, phonics, and the rules of good handwriting. On the side of the page is a rubric to help students remember the rules of written expression. Pair this with our handwriting rubric information for more complete data collection.

benefits of using the summer I spy printable

  • Hand strength and finger dexterity – staying in the lines while coloring, and writing accuracy, builds hand muscles and develops muscle control
  • Visual motor skills – combining what is seen visually and what is written motorically.  It requires coordination to be able to translate information from visual input to motor output. Coloring, drawing, counting, cutting, and tracing are some visual motor skills
  • Visual Perception – Visual Attention: The ability to focus on important visual information and filter out unimportant background information.
  • Visual Discrimination: The ability to determine differences or similarities in objects based on size, color, shape, etc.
  • Visual Spatial Relationships: Understanding the relationships of objects within the environment.
  • Visual Figure Ground: The ability to locate something in a busy background.
  • Visual Form Constancy: The ability to know that a form or shape is the same, even if it has been made smaller/larger or has been turned around. Visual perceptual skills are important to academic development. 
  • Sequencing – will your learner do the pictures in order?  Will they look for the easy and/or obvious answers first?
  • Scanning – does your learner look in methodical order, or search in a haphazard pattern all over the page?  
  • Proprioception – pressure on paper, grip on pencil
  • Counting/Learning Numbers – Count the items to understand number concepts. Practice writing numbers
  • Handwriting: Letter formation – correctly forming the letters top to bottom.
  • Letter sizing – correctly fitting the letters into the size boxes. Spacing, line placement, directionality, and spelling are also important
  • Bilateral coordination – remembering to use their “helper hand” to hold the paper while writing is important for development.  Using one hand as a dominant hand instead of switching back and forth is encouraged once a child is in grade school, or demonstrates a significant strength in one or the other
  • Strength – core strength, shoulder and wrist stability, head control, balance, and hand strength are all needed for upright sitting posture and writing tasks
  • Executive function, following directions, attention, attention to detail, focus, sequencing, planning, task completion, neatness, impulse control, compliance, behavior, and work tolerance are all important skills to learn
  • Social function – whether working alone, or together in a group, you can address problem solving, sharing materials and space, turn taking and talking about the activity

How to Use the Summer I Spy in Therapy

Therapy providers love using a resource that can be slightly adjusted to meet the needs of their entire caseload. Most therapy providers can print off 15 copies and use the same sheet in many different ways for each individual.

Check out the various ways to modify and grade the Summer I Spy worksheet using the tactics below:

  • Lowest level learners can dictate what they would like written
  • Middle level learners can copy words from a model, while higher level learners write the words from memory
  • Higher level learners can write ideas about summer, then create a story or memory out of each idea.  This turns into a multilevel activity to use during many sessions.  They can also draw about their ideas, or copy the designs.
  • Laminate the page for reusability. This saves on resources, and many learners love to write with markers! Note: while some learners love to use wipe off sheets, others become upset they can not take their work with them.  For those who want to save their work, consider taking a screenshot of it.
  • Make this part of a larger lesson plan including gross motor, sensory, social, executive function, or other fine motor skills
  • Make several copies, cut the shapes and make a matching game instead of using a writing tool to draw lines
  • Use small manipulatives to mark the items such as bingo chips, pompoms, pennies, playdough, or buttons. This helps build a pincer grasp
  • Talk about the pictures, describe their characteristics, and give context clues to help your learner understand why they match
  • Enlarging the font may be necessary to beginning handwriting students who need bigger space to write.
  • Hand the papers out with very limited instruction. Record how well your learners can follow instructions
  • Social skills – sharing resources promotes social function. Talking about a themed lesson plan builds social skills.
  • Have students write on a slant board, lying prone on the floor with the page in front to build shoulder stability, or supine with the page taped under the table

Other great resources

In order to build great skills and generalize them across different environments, a skill needs to be addressed several different times. Creating resource packets will help keep materials organized.

  • Summer Handwriting Practice from the OT Toolbox
  • Summer Fine Motor Kit from the OT Toolbox
  • In addition to the great free resources found on the web, there are great workbooks out there. My go to is the (Amazon affiliate link) Summer Bridge series. This series has been around for many years (I used them when my girls were young). We liked this series because it addressed many different educational areas in just a couple of pages a day.

Free Summer I spy download

Want to add this resource to your therapy toolbox so you can help kids thrive? Enter your email into the form below to access this printable tool.

This resource is just one of the many tools available in The OT Toolbox Member’s Club. Each month, members get instant access to downloadable activities, handouts, worksheets, and printable tools to support development. Members can log into their dashboard and access all of our free downloads in one place. Plus, you’ll find exclusive materials and premium level materials.

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FREE Summer I Spy Sheet

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    Victoria Wood, OTR/L is a contributor to The OT Toolbox and has been providing Occupational Therapy treatment in pediatrics for more than 25 years. She has practiced in hospital settings (inpatient, outpatient, NICU, PICU), school systems, and outpatient clinics in several states. She has treated hundreds of children with various sensory processing dysfunction in the areas of behavior, gross/fine motor skills, social skills and self-care. Ms. Wood has also been a featured speaker at seminars, webinars, and school staff development training. She is the author of Seeing your Home and Community with Sensory Eyes.

    Work on fine motor skills, visual perception, visual motor skills, sensory tolerance, handwriting, scissor skills, and much more so that kids can accomplish self-care tasks, learn, and grow through play all summer long.

    This bundle is perfect for the pediatric occupational therapist who needs resources and tools to use in summer therapy sessions.

    The Summer Activity Bundle includes:

    • Summer Fine Motor Kit
    • Summer Writing Sheets
    • Summer Memory Game- perfect for playing Memory or using in sensory bins
    • Summer OT Packet ($20 value)
    • 180 Outdoor Sensory Diet Cards- for when your kiddo is “sooooo bored” or using in sensory diets
    • BONUS: Summer Sensory Activity Guide

    This is a digital product that will last all Summer long!

    The Summer OT Bundle is your ticket to sending the kids back to school in the Fall without worrying about the “Summer Slide”. Each Fall, kids need to catch up on areas that they’ve lost over the summer months. With the Summer OT Bundle, there is no worry about falling backwards. Use the materials to maintain and even grow motor skill development this summer so kids can thrive and jump into learning next Fall.

    Summer OT Bundle