Sensory Soup with Fine Motor Sorting

This was a child-led activity after …someone… emptied a bunch of our sensory bottles into the little play sink!   I had super glued the lids shut, but a bigger cousin had a great idea to cut the bottles open.  Super good problem solving, right?  We had all kinds of things in this little sensory sink…pieces of straws, bits of yarn, glitter, foam snowflake stickers, crafting poms…It was very sensory!!

So, what does a mom do…don’t stress the mess, roll with it 🙂
Sensory Sink

Fine Motor Sensory Play

I added a few utensils from my kitchen to scoop, transfer, and stir…and a couple of containers from our recycle bin.  Baby Girl had a blast with this while the big kids were at school. 

Using the Turkey baster to squeeze is such a great hand strengthening activity!  Transferring the objects with a spoon really works on her visual motor skills.  Scooping up crafting poms from that sensory water is a great task for an almost 2 year-old.

Sensory Sorting

Baby Girl sorted the objects into sections of a muffin container, with a little verbal cueing from Mom.   This is a fun way to incorporate sorting into  sensory play…and she loved pretending to cook in her little kitchen!
 It was a pretty fun way to recycle our sensory bottles!