Emotions Game (Frog Theme Slide Deck)

emotions game frog theme spot it activity

This frog emotions game slide deck is a tool for helping kids to identify emotions based on facial expression. It’s a social skills activity for young children that goes perfectly with this frog writing activity and our cute frog crafts. Use all frog games together as frog themed activities that develop skills.

Teaching emotions is an important part of social emotional development. That’s why this emotions game (with a cute frog theme) is so much fun, but also a great way to help kids learn to identify emotions, match up emotions by facial expression, and label different feelings. It’s just one of the many free slides here on the site, and one you’ll want to add to your toolbox.

Emotions game with a frog theme. This free therapy slide deck is a fun social emotional learning game for kids.

Frog Emotions

You might be wondering “frog emotions? What does that mean?”

But we are not talking about the emotions of frogs here…we mean that you can use a fun theme like frogs and toads to talk to kids about emotions and emotional expressions! It’s an activity like this that uses frog emotions to help us explain to kids how they feel, how mood and affect impact their overall wellbeing, and how we all (even the cute frogs in this free slide deck activity) have feelings. It’s empathy skills through play!

Working with kids in occupational therapy sessions have shown me one thing…and that’s the fact that if we can make things fun and engaging (like the cute frogs in this activity) that we can help kids build skills!

This emotions game is modeled after several other similar emotions games we have here on the site. You can use all of these in sequence or to fit with different themes in therapy or in the classroom or home. Each emotions game includes a “spot it” type of matching game that allows kids to feel challenged, but also builds essential skills.

These other emotions games might fit with some of your themes you have planned:

The emotions games in these activities and in the one shown below, children can label different facial expressions and give a name to the visual emotions. The important thing here is to note that there is no right answer. Some children might have different names for emotions or the feelings that they experience.

In the frog theme slide deck, there are different facial expressions for each frog’s face. Kids can type right into the slide deck and add a label for those expressions. You can extend this activity in several ways:

  1. Ask kids to mimic the visual facial expression that they see on each frog’s face.
  2. Ask the user to identify a time that they have experienced that particular emotion.
  3. Ask the user to tell about a time that they have seen other’s experiencing that emotion. You can talk about what might lead up to another person experiencing a particular feeling or emotion. This task helps to build empathy for others.
  4. Ask the child to identify ways to reach out to others when they might be feeling particular emotions. How can they help others who are feeling sad or angry? How would they like others to reach out to them when they themselves are feeling a particular feeling?
  5. Ask the child to specify ways that they respond to particular emotions. What do they do when they feel upset, silly, or frustrated?

You can even use this as an emotions check in activity with kids. Ask them how they are feeling right now. It’s a tool for emotional regulation.

The next part of the slide deck includes matching activities in a “spot it” type of emotions game. The slide decks are interactive, meaning that kids can move the lily pads to cover the matching emotion on each slide.

Each slide has only one matching facial expression, and the player can look at each image and try to find the matching expression.

Frog Emotions Game

As an occupational therapist, I’ve found that incorporating themed activities like a frog emotions game can be incredibly beneficial for children. This type of activity not only targets emotional regulation skills but also adds an element of fun and engagement to therapy sessions.

Children are often drawn to themed activities because they provide a novel and exciting experience, making therapy feel less intimidating and more enjoyable. The frog theme adds a playful twist, allowing kids to explore and express their emotions in a lighthearted manner. By integrating games like this into therapy sessions, we can create a motivating environment that encourages active participation and enhances the overall effectiveness of treatment.

The frog theme activity is a social emotional learning game that kids can use to build awareness and strategies, too.

After playing the emotions matching on the slide, then focus more on building awareness of emotions and social development. After the child finds the match, they can identify the expression that is depicted on that frog’s face. T

hen, go back to what was covered in the beginning with some of the same questions: how do they think that frog feels? When did they experience that expression? If they felt angry (or frustrated, silly, sad, etc.) in school when they need to complete an assignment? How would they feel if they were playing a game and experienced feelings of frustration?

All of these questions allow the child to think in situational experiences so they can be ready to function. Situational awareness, empathy of others, and social emotional development are all learned skills, and having experience, the words to use, and tools in their back pocket will allow them to function in future tasks or situations.

After you are done playing, just go to the slide deck edit history and click “reset slides” to revert them to their original set-up. You can then play again…just click the lily pads and drag them to cover each matching frog face, and work on labelling emotions again and again!

Free emotions game slide deck

We have a free frog themed emotions activity in slide deck form.

To add this free emotions game to your therapy toolbox, enter your email address into the form below. You’ll receive a printable that you can use in therapy, the home, or the classroom.

NOTE- Email addresses on a school or work server may block the email delivering your file. Consider using a personal email address for better deliverability.

Free Emotions Game (Frog Theme) Slide Deck

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at anytime.

    Add the Frogs and Toads Motor Skills Mini-Pack to this activity and build stronger, more refined motor skills in children. The mini pack includes:

    • Fine Motor Mazes
    • Fine motor paths
    • A-Z frog letters for word building
    • “Froggy Says” gross motor game
    • 1-20 Number Building Mats
    • Play Dough Mat
    • Handwriting Pages
    • I Spy page
    • Gross motor directionality sheets

    Done for you motor skills activities and FUN frog and toad themes combine in the Frogs and Toads Motor Skills Mini-Pack. Work on grasp, hand strength, eye-hand coordination, handwriting, scissor skills, heavy work, gross motor skills, coordination, and all things fine and gross motor skills in this 43 page printable packet.

    frog and toad activities motor skills packet

    Colleen Beck, OTR/L has been an occupational therapist since 2000, working in school-based, hand therapy, outpatient peds, EI, and SNF. Colleen created The OT Toolbox to inspire therapists, teachers, and parents with easy and fun tools to help children thrive. Read her story about going from an OT making $3/hour (after paying for kids’ childcare) to a full-time OT resource creator for millions of readers. Want to collaborate? Send an email to contact@theottoolbox.com.

    Frog Writing Activities

    frog writing activities

    Today we’re talking all about frog writing! These frog writing activities are part of a free slide deck to outline therapy sessions and to use to foster visual perceptual skills and handwriting skills. Add these frog writing activities to this list of cute frog crafts which are designed to develop and refine fine motor skills in kids.

    You’ll also love our frog emotions activity as another tool to add to your frog theme of activities!

    The frog writing prompts included in this therapy slide deck are perfect to add to your frog theme or use in a weekly occupational therapy theme (or at-home theme for learning, play, and building developmental skills!)

    Frog writing activities including frog writing prompts and a frog I spy activity to work on writing skills in kids, with a frogs and toads theme!

    Frog Writing

    The kids that I’ve worked with in OT sessions love this frog writing activity…and they don’t realize all of the work they are putting into the task because it’s a fun way to target OT goals.

    In my experience as an occupational therapist working in schools, incorporating fun themes into handwriting sessions has been incredibly effective for improving skills that impact learning. A frog theme set of activities is one way to do that!

    The frog writing activity supports fine motor skills, visual motor skills, pencil control and overall handwriting skills. Utilizing frog writing prompts and activities not only adds an element of fun for the children but also provides valuable opportunities to address fine motor and visual motor considerations essential for handwriting.

    Sometimes, having a set of themed activities set-up for therapy sessions is a “must” to keep therapists sane. It’s not about using the same activities with each student; Using a theme in therapy activities allows the therapist to use the same materials. And having the skilled ability to adjust for each individual is just part of an OT’s skillset. To make your life much easier as a busy therapist, head over to this free slides library and grab all of the therapy themes that fit your interests and those on your caseload.

    That’s where these frog writing activities come into play.

    The free slide deck includes several frog writing activities for users to build specific skills, depending on their needs and goal areas.

    You’ll find frog I Spy game and several frog writing slides to work on handwriting skills.

    More Frog Writing Ideas

    There are more ways to work on fine motor and visual motor skills with this frog writing activity.

    • Copy the words to work on letter formation and copying skills
    • Use other frog activities as a warm up
    • Try tracing frog outlines for pencil control
    • Hop and leap along frog-themed letter paths
    • Do frog-themed mazes to target pencil control
    • Play Froggy Says, like a Simon Says activity for gross motor skills needed for writing posture.
    • Use tweezers in fine motor activities that mimic the movements involved in catching or feeding frogs, such as using tweezers to pick up frog-themed manipulatives. This further strengthens fine motor skills essential for precise handwriting.
    • Fold paper into origami frogs

    Frog I Spy

    The first activity is a warm-up of sorts. You’ll find a frog I Spy game where users can locate, count, and find individual frog and toad images. This is a great visual perceptual skills activity to build and develop skills in areas such as:

    • Visual discrimination (needed for identifying differences between letters)
    • Visual scanning (needed for scanning a writing piece for where you’ve left off in copying materials)
    • Form constancy (knowing that a form or letter is the same no matter the positioning. This skill is needed for recognizing letters in different fonts and sizes)

    When kids find the individual frogs and toad images they can type the number into the interactive slide deck.

    This frog I spy game is available as a printable worksheet in our Frogs and Toads Motor Skills Mini-Pack. Find the items, then write the numbers in the boxes. Kids can also color or circle the items to build pencil control and fine motor skills. The packet is 43 pages of fine and gross motor skill activities with a frogs and toads theme. Not bad for the cost of a cup of coffee!

    Frog Writing Prompts

    Next in the frog writing activities are a few writing prompts. I’ve included both frog word writing prompts and also sentences as an open-ended writing prompt to foster creative writing.

    The frog words include things like froglet, pond, lily pad, and words that are easily read and recognized by younger children.

    Pair this activity with frog lifecycle activities for handwriting practice of letter formation, letter size, legibility, and even cursive handwriting for the older elementary ages.

    The next piece is a frog writing prompt slide. This slide includes three writing prompts that users can use for longer writing samples.

    All of these writing prompts are open-ended so that you can easily adjust the therapy sessions or home programing to meet the needs of the child or individual.

    Free Frog Writing Slide Deck

    Want to add this free slide deck to your therapy toolbox and work on handwriting and visual perceptual skills in written work? Grab this resource and outline writing activities so the kids you serve can work on areas like letter formation, copying skills, and more. You’ll need to enter your email address into the form below and the file will be delivered to your inbox. (School email addresses/work email addresses may block this email as it contains a link to access a file. A personal email address may work better for deliverability.)

    Free Frog Writing Activities Slide Deck

      We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at anytime.

      Colleen Beck, OTR/L has been an occupational therapist since 2000, working in school-based, hand therapy, outpatient peds, EI, and SNF. Colleen created The OT Toolbox to inspire therapists, teachers, and parents with easy and fun tools to help children thrive. Read her story about going from an OT making $3/hour (after paying for kids’ childcare) to a full-time OT resource creator for millions of readers. Want to collaborate? Send an email to contact@theottoolbox.com.

      frog and toad activities motor skills packet

      Add the Frogs and Toads Motor Skills Mini-Pack to this activity and build stronger, more refined motor skills in children. The mini pack includes:

      • Fine Motor Mazes
      • Fine motor paths
      • A-Z frog letters for word building
      • “Froggy Says” gross motor game
      • 1-20 Number Building Mats
      • Play Dough Mat
      • Handwriting Pages
      • I Spy page
      • Gross motor directionality sheets

      Done for you motor skills activities and FUN frog and toad themes combine in the Frogs and Toads Motor Skills Mini-Pack. Work on grasp, hand strength, eye-hand coordination, handwriting, scissor skills, heavy work, gross motor skills, coordination, and all things fine and gross motor skills in this 43 page printable packet.

      Cute Frog Crafts for Kids

      frog crafts

      These cute frog crafts are fun ways to use a frog theme to build skills. From paper plat frogs, to cut and paste frog crafts, these are great occupational therapy crafts to use in fine motor skill work, scissor skills activities, and a frog and toad theme. These frog crafts will keep you hopping!

      Use these frog crafts to develop fine motor skills, scissor skills, precision, and refined grasp. Includes paper plate frogs and more.

      Frog Crafts

      Frog crafts like the ones shown here are fun ways to build motor skills within a frog theme. Learning about the frog life cycle is a common theme in preschool or early elementary lessons. Use the frog crafts here as a developmental tool.

      I love using crafts like the ones listed below in planning in person or OT teletherapy services. Other crafts can be sent home as an OT home program idea. Children can create while working on skills like fine motor dexterity and strength, line awarenessscissor skills, language, self-confidence, problem solving, tool use, and more.

      These frog crafts can be added to a frog theme, with resources like:

      Frog Crafts for Kids

      As a pediatric occupational therapist, I love using crafts of any kind in therapy sessions because they offer a fun and engaging way to target important underlying skill areas. A fun frog craft is no different!

      When children create the frog crafts we share below, they get to practice their fine motor skills by cutting, coloring, and assembling materials, all while strengthening hand muscles and improving coordination.

      I especially enjoy seeing their faces light up when we hang the crafts we’ve created up on the therapy door or a bulletin board in the school hallway. This task of hanging the craft up is another way to incorporate functional movement to bend and reach, targeting balance and core strength. They can then use a stapler, tape, or sticky tack to hang their creation. But the real benefit is seeing their creation hanging on the wall for all to see.

      We wanted to pull together some great frog crafts that support various skills. Following the step-by-step instructions for the craft also helps enhance their sequencing skills and attention to task, which are crucial for success in school and daily activities.

      Plus, crafting allows children to express themselves creatively and provides a sensory-rich experience that supports emotional regulation and well-being. Seeing the joy and pride in their eyes as they complete their frog crafts is truly rewarding and reminds me why I love what I do as an occupational therapist.

      Handprint frog Craft

      Work on tactile sensory tolerance with this frog handprint craft. This is a great functional craft for kids because you can include a hand-washing activity after making the handprint art.

      Washing off the green paint is an excellent visual in ensuring kids are thoroughly washing their hands.

      Paper Plate Frog Craft

      Work on scissor skills, bilateral coordination, hand strength, sequencing, and motor planning with this frog paper plate craft. Folding and cutting paper plates are great for building hand strength and working on finger isolation.

      This craft includes different grades of cutting tasks and can be a great incentive for cutting simple to complex shapes.

      Cutting paper plates is a strengthening activity that provides more resistance and can slow down the scissors, allowing for more accuracy along cutting lines. Use this paper plate frog craft to build these skills.

      Frog and Lily Pad Craft

      For more complex scissor skill crafts, try this frog on a lily pad craft. It can be a challenge for some kids, but cutting the frogs and lily pad shapes can be a just right level for others that are building scissor skills with complex lines.

      Paper Frog Craft

      For a fine motor workout, make this shredded paper frog craft. Kids can pick up and manipulate the shredded paper pieces while working on precision, tip to tip grasp, open-thumb web space, and more refined precision skills.

      This easy shapes frog craft is great for preschoolers or those cutting simple shapes. Use this craft for beginners and to address scissor skills cutting along circles and simple shapes. (Then work up to the more difficult frog crafts.)

      Toilet Paper Roll Frog

      Try this toilet roll frog to work on refined grasp, precision, scissor skills, and more motor skill development.

      You could also use paper towel rolls to make this paper roll frog.

      Use these cute frog crafts to develop fine motor skills, scissor skills, precision, and refined grasp. Includes paper plate frogs and more.

      More Frog Activities

      Add the Frogs and Toads Motor Skills Mini-Pack to this activity and build stronger, more refined motor skills in children.

      frog and toad activities motor skills packet

      These printable activities extend to work on a variety of other functional areas, too: handwriting skills, numbers, math, adding, subtracting, one-to-one correspondence, scissor skills, coloring, and more.

      The Frogs and Toads Motor Skills mini pack includes:

      • Fine Motor Mazes
      • Fine motor paths
      • A-Z frog letters for word building
      • “Froggy Says” gross motor game
      • 1-20 Number Building Mats
      • Play Dough Mat
      • Handwriting Pages
      • I Spy page
      • Gross motor directionality sheets

      Done for you motor skills activities and FUN frog and toad themes combine in the Frogs and Toads Motor Skills Mini-Pack. Work on grasp, hand strength, eye-hand coordination, handwriting, scissor skills, heavy work, gross motor skills, coordination, and all things fine and gross motor skills in this 43 page printable packet.

      Colleen Beck, OTR/L has been an occupational therapist since 2000, working in school-based, hand therapy, outpatient peds, EI, and SNF. Colleen created The OT Toolbox to inspire therapists, teachers, and parents with easy and fun tools to help children thrive. Read her story about going from an OT making $3/hour (after paying for kids’ childcare) to a full-time OT resource creator for millions of readers. Want to collaborate? Send an email to contact@theottoolbox.com.