Why Kids Need Messy Play Ideas

We’ve done lots of messy play ideas and this is a round-up of our favorites.  Sensory play is great for kids to explore textures, their senses, and have fun.  Not only that, but through sensory touch, messy play activities support development in several areas: tactile sensory exploration, tactile challenges, problem solving, communication and language development, fine motor skills, self-care skills (washing hands and putting on a cover-up, etc.) We love messy play! 

Messy Play Ideas

The messy activities listed blow include both sensory recipes, and general sensory activities designed to offer textural input from a variety of textures and consistencies. Young children thrive in this environment, because messy play is fun! 

Not only that, but messy play is a change from the usual routine. When you bring out a sensory bin or a tray of shaving cream and let the children go wild, you’ve just created a stress-free area for learning through play.

Messy Play doesn’t need to be complicated. Some quick ways to incorporate messy play ideas into your day to day (or preschool setting, occupational therapy interventions, classroom, or home) include:

  • Play Dough- Try frozen play dough for a temperature twist on this sensory idea. We have many play dough recipes here on the website that use a variety of ingredients.
  • Cloud Dough
  • Sensory bins- Pour dry rice, beans, chickpeas, flour, sand, rainbow rice, or other dry material into a bin. Add manipulatives or small toys and a few scoops and cups. This is a great sensory motor task to work on scooping and pouring as a hand-eye coordination task. Use some of these sensory bin base materials. This is a great opportunity for creative play!
  • Make oobleck for a sensory fun experience. 
  • Shaving cream on a table and adding in toys like dinosaurs, cars, trucks, etc.
messy play ideas

Why Messy Play?

Exploring and playing using the senses with out of the box play materials is a way to engage so many skill areas in young children. 

I am a big advocate for sensory play with kids.  There is so much learning that takes place during sensory experiences.  Exploring textures, manipulating items, scents…the list can go on and on!  When a child explores the world through their senses, they develop fine motor skills, gross motor skills, language abilities, self-confidence, and so much more. 

Take a look at all of the ways messy fun supports child development:

  • Fine motor skills
  • Gross motor skills
  • Strength 
  • Visual motor skills
  • Balance and coordination
  • Vestibular input
  • Proprioceptive input
  • Interoception awareness
  • Eye-hand coordination
  • Curiosity and creativity
  • Problem solving
  • Communication and language development

While play definitely is based on the body’s senses, there are also the vestibular and proprioception senses that provide input to a child.  Any experience involves the body’s ability to take in sensory input, process it, and provide appropriate responses.  During all of this learning is happening!  

Messy activities support tactile discrimination, as a way to learn through touch exploration. 

Sensory discrimination is defined as the ability to discriminate (or identify) sensory input, sensory differences, quantities, and qualities of sensory stimuli. When we discriminate sensory input, we use our sensory systems to taste, touch, hear, feel, smell, and perceive sensory information

For the individual with tactile defensiveness, this sensory input is perceived with hypersensitivity.

Discrimination  of the tactile sensory system allows for safety and functional participation in everyday tasks. Sensory discrimination can mean smelling smoke from the stove vs. smoke from a backyard firepit, hearing an alarm sounding, tasting spoiled food, knowing when to go to the bathroom, knowing when to stop spinning on the swing, and so many other aspects of daily life! 

Messy play and the Tactile Sensory System

There are three sensory systems that have a primary influence in sensory-related responses. When these sensory systems are incorporated into messy play, we see a real vehicle for therapeutic interventions. 

 The sensory systems described below include all of the systems of the body despite the primary influences of the proprioceptive, vestibular, and tactile systems.  

In general, the child who experiences a need for a sensory diet has differences in sensory responsiveness from one or more of the systems that results in poor modulation, perception, or discrimination of sensory information.

The Tactile Sensory System is one of the earliest developed senses of the body.  The skin is the largest and the most prevalent organ. The skin performs unique duties for the body.  Most importantly, the skin protects and alerts us to danger and discriminates sensation with regard to location and identification. These two levels of sensation work together yet are distinctively important.  

Discrimination of touch allows us to sense where a sensation is felt on the body.  With discrimination, we are able to discern a fly that lands on our arm.  The second level of the tactile system alerts us to danger.  It allows us to jump in response to the “fight or flight” response when we perceive a spider crawling on our arm. The information received from the tactile system also includes light touch, pain, temperature, and pressure.

When either of these levels of sensation are disrupted, tactile dysfunction can result.  This presents in many ways, including hypersensitivity to tags in clothing, a dislike of messy play, difficulty with fine motor tasks, a fear of being touched by someone without seeing that touch, a high tolerance of pain, or a need to touch everything and everyone. 

When the tactile system is immature or impaired, the brain can become overly stimulated with resulting poor organization and regulation of input.  Children can then experience difficulty with behavior and concentration as a result. 

Treatment for the child with an impaired tactile sensory system focuses on providing a variety of deep- and light-touch experiences (Koomar & Bundy, 1991).  Additionally, resistance activities, much like those indicated for decreased discrimination of vestibular and proprioceptive information, may be used in the therapeutic sensory diet.

When it comes to the tactile sensation of foods, hyper-responsiveness to certain textures of foods or drinks can interfere with an individual’s ability to tolerate certain foods or liquids. Trial desensitization strategies to food. 

A qualified occupational therapist should intervene with these strategies. Promote a positive attitude during mealtimes. Allow the individual to eat preferred foods and drinks at mealtimes while introducing new foods at different times during the day. 

Messy Play with Soap

But messy play doesn’t need to be “messy” or the type of sensory experience that involves a huge mess to clean up! Just add soap!

  • Get the kids involved with washing dishes in a sink full of soapy water. Add sponges, a dish cloth, and scrubbers for a functional mess that actually cleans!
  • Pull out some kitchen supplies like a potato peeler. Kids can scrape soap bars and use soap shavings to make designs on bookmarks.
  • Make soap foam for a hand strengthening activity.

Messy play is a fun and creative way for kids to learn and explore new things. Here are some great messy play ideas for kids:

  1. Finger painting: Set up a large piece of paper or canvas, and let your child use their fingers to paint with different colors. You can use washable paint, which makes clean-up easier.
  2. Messy painting- There are many creative painting ideas here on the site that incorporate the senses.
  3. Play dough: Make your own play dough or buy it from a store. Your child can use it to make shapes, sculptures, or even their own little worlds.
  4. Water play: Set up a water table or fill a large container with water and provide cups, spoons, and other items for pouring and splashing.
  5. Sensory bins: Fill a bin or container with various materials such as rice, beans, sand, or water beads. Let your child explore and play with different textures and objects.
  6. Mud kitchen: Set up an outdoor space with old pots, pans, and utensils, and let your child create their own mud pies and meals.
  7. Shaving cream art: Spread shaving cream on a table or tray, and let your child draw designs or patterns with their fingers.
  8. Ice painting: Freeze colored water in ice cube trays, and let your child use the ice cubes to create colorful designs on paper.
  9. Slime: Make your own slime or buy it from a store, and let your child stretch, squeeze, and mold it into different shapes.
  10. Bubble play: Blow bubbles and let your child pop them or use a bubble machine for more bubbles.
  11. Food play: Let your child explore different foods and textures by creating a “food play” station with items like cooked spaghetti, Jello, and pudding.
  12. Baby-Safe Finger Paint- During the middle of the first year, baby begins his or her journey with food. About 9 months is a great time to encourage sensory play using baby safe paint. All it takes is a couple of pureed foods such as sweet potatoes, carrots, or prunes. Allow baby to touch, manipulate, and smear that paint on a high chair surface or even paper. Moving the texture in their hands provides a tactile sensory challenge, and has its fine motor benefits, too. Baby will be able to isolate their pointer finger to point and smear, will be able to separate the thumb side of the hand from the stability side of the hand (SO important in higher level fine motor tasks!), and will develop the arches of the hand which is helpful in more refined fine motor activities. A little water play at the end of this activity is great for cleaning up AND has sensory benefits of its own!
  13. Water Play- There are so many ways to engage, explore, and build skills using water play. A small dish and some crushed ice is a great way to encourage grasp wth sensory benefits. A gallon sized baggie filled with colored water and some water beads can be sealed up with duct tape and used as a floor tummy time activity. A scoop and some large balls can be used to introduce scooping and pouring. The sky is the limit when it comes to baby safe water play. Just be sure to keep a close eye on your little one and trust your gut when it comes to setting up play activities. 

Remember to always supervise your child during messy play, and use materials that are safe for their age group. Additionally, it’s a good idea to have a designated messy play area that can be easily cleaned up afterward.

Messy Play Ingredients

Messy play ingredients can include materials you have around the home in the pantry. One thing to be aware of is the use of food in messy play fun. Always consider using expired materials first, as these items are headed for the trash anyway. Consider how to use recycled materials or non-food ingredients when coming up with messy activities. Sometimes a garden hose and a pile of dirt in the garden is enough for a sensory play experience! 

Add these materials to your toolbox to have on hand for messy play at a moment’s notice:

  • Shaving cream
  • Flour
  • Soap
  • Cornflour
  • Rice
  • Dirt
  • Cornstarch
  • Glitter
  • Vinegar
  • Baking Soda
  • Glue
  • Balloons
  • Scoops and cups
  • Shaving foam
  • Warm water
  • Dry pasta
  • Kinetic sand

Baby-Safe Finger Paint- During the middle of the first year, baby begins his or her journey with food. About 9 months is a great time to encourage sensory play using baby safe paint. All it takes is a couple of pureed foods such as sweet potatoes, carrots, or prunes. Allow baby to touch, manipulate, and smear that paint on a high chair surface or even paper. Moving the texture in their hands provides a tactile sensory challenge, and has its fine motor benefits, too. Baby will be able to isolate their pointer finger to point and smear, will be able to separate the thumb side of the hand from the stability side of the hand (SO important in higher level fine motor tasks!), and will develop the arches of the hand which is helpful in more refined fine motor activities. A little water play at the end of this activity is great for cleaning up AND has sensory benefits of its own!

Water Play- Speaking of water play, there are so many ways to engage, explore, and build skills using water play. A small dish and some crushed ice is a great way to encourage grasp wth sensory benefits. A gallon sized baggie filled with colored water and some water beads can be sealed up with duct tape and used as a floor tummy time activity. A scoop and some large balls can be used to introduce scooping and pouring. The sky is the limit when it comes to baby safe water play. Just be sure to keep a close eye on your little one and trust your gut when it comes to setting up play activities. 

We’ve done lots of messy play activities and this is a round-up of our favorites.  Sensory play is great for kids to explore textures, their senses, and have fun.  We love messy play!

Building Self-Confidence Through Pretend Play

Happy ONE YEAR blog anniversary to Sugar Aunts! Thanks for joining us in our first year of blogging.  What a crazy, fun year this has been full of blogging ups and downs!  We’ve learned so much in this year about blogging and have big plans for our next year!  We wanted to put together a list of our favorite posts for you all about Imagination and Pretend Play…geared toward boosting kids’ Self-Confidence. 

And on to our Pretend Play Round-Up!
We’ve been doing a lot of pretend play this year:

Building Self-Confidence in Children Through Pretend Play

Teaching Body Parts to Toddlers We had so much fun with our little Boo-Boo Baby 🙂 The kids played doctor while working on their fine motor skills to apply the band-aides.  The littler kids were able to practice their language and awareness of body parts.  Taking care of this little sick one can remind the bigger kids of how it feels to go to the doctor and allow them to express their feelings and concerns.

Imagination Play With Play Dough  We used play dough in this small world to work on fine motor strength and dexterity.  Developing hand strength in a fun way allows a child to pick up and use utensils like pencils, scissors, and even clothing fasteners with more confidence.  This fun pretend play activity allowed us to practice language development and expose Little Guy to new words like magma, lava, molten hot, and more.  The possibilities for new vocabulary are endless with pretend play!

We have pretended a lot with play dough: Play Dough Small World Farm, Play Dough Cupcakes, Beach Play Dough, & Scented Snow Man Play Dough

Outdoor Invitation to Play Snow Restaurant  Big Sister had fun pretending to be a chef in our outdoor snow restaurant. An unstructured invitation allows kids to develop confidence in their ability to create, pretend, and express themselves.  They can explore environments and situations with the ability to develop their imagination. 
Swamp Explorers Dramatic Pretend Play  We pretended to be Swamp Explorers and searched for lizards, snakes, and insects in a swamp sensory bin and in our backyard.  Finding and seeking objects and the success and difficulty with harder-to-find items builds confidence and kids’ ability to “keep trying”!  Plus, we worked on handwriting with our swamp pretend play activity.  Adding practice to a fun play activity can make handwriting practice fun!

Small World Fairy Neighborhood Introducing Pretend Play with your children their own backyard allows them to see things in a new light.  You can use an area typically used for something else (“The sandbox is where I build sandcastles”) and gives it a new twist! Now the child can use their imagination in a new light, allowing them to develop their ability to think creatively with the things around them.

Pizza Shop Pretend Play  This was such a fun pretend play week/month for us 🙂  Creating out Pizza Shop was a group effort between re-doing our outdoor play structure with the kids, and pretending to order pizzas, and playing Pizza Shop owners!  Pretending to make (fuzzy) pizzas from felt, playing with money and a play cash register involved multiple levels of pretend.  All of the kids could get involved in pretend in different aspects.

Small World Pretend: Animals at the Lake  We used and explored lots of different textures for this small world.  Baby Girl got to know some different animals while we pretended the animals were at the lake.  Big Sister and Little Guy helped Mom make colored sand to use in our small world.  Pretend Play can involve multiple steps including creating and direction following.  Kids can develop a sense that they are capable of creating and fun ideas. 

Create A Wishing Well  Kids can come up with pretty amazing ideas.  So when Big Sister said she wanted to make a wishing well…we did! She helped come up with the ideas and we tried a few ways to make it happen.  A few ideas worked and a few didn’t.  We kept trying!  Big Sister got to express her thoughts and come up with new ideas.

Fairy Small World

Wooden birdhouse decorated with flowers, glitter, and beads, in a sandbox with small steps made from pebbles. Text reads fairy small world

This fairy small world activity is an old one on our blog, but do you believe we still have the small world fairy house that we made many moons ago? I love that the small world fairy garden was a sensory bin activity using materials we had around the home, including our sand box! This is a great small world play idea for occupational therapy, because you can foster the skills needed by each child: fine motor, sensory, self-regulation, etc.

Using your sandbox as a space for a fairy small world is such an easy sensory bin idea. The dramatic play benefits that happens in a miniature fairy world is unlimited, especially when you use small things like sticks to create paths, or rocks to make fairy furniture.

How to make a Fairy Small World

While we used our sandbox for the sensory space, you could recreate a fairy world of your own in any sensory bin, around the base of a tree, or even in a potted plant. Here are sensory bin base ideas to get you started, if you go that route.

Once you have your place space in mind, you can gather other items to create a fairy small world:

  • Miniature house (this can be anything from a DIY fairy house made of leaves, bark, and seashells, to a store-bought fairy house)
  • Small items: feathers, leaves, gems, pebbles, sticks, acorns, etc.
  • Nature items: plants, pieces of bark, twigs, rocks, etc.

Create your fairy small world!

Set up your space and start playing. The possibilities are endless, and depending on your play space, you can make the fairy small world as elaborate or as simple as you like. We went simple and fun with our sandbox fairy neighborhood.

We made these sweet little fairy houses at Big Sister’s Tinkerbell Fairy Birthday party.  You can read the post and all of the party details here.  The fairy houses have been decorating our porch table since the party and involved in lots of pretend play activities.


Big Sister had the fairy houses in the sandbox one afternoon while the younger kids napped. 
She had her La La Loopsy dolls all set up with a neighborhood and all kinds of fun going on.


I added a few stones for sidewalks and Big Sister thought we needed more decorations added. 
We pulled a few potted plants from the porch and made our little fairy neighborhood quite pretty!

Balls in the Baby Pool

Putting ball pit balls in a baby pool is a great sensory room DIY ball pit that kids love. Whether you play inside or outside with the baby pool full of water, this sensory play activity is one of our favorite ball pit activities!

Baby Pool Sensory Play

We’ve been loving these last days of summer before the school starts up again.  One super nice and sunny day, we had the baby pool out and added a colorful twist…all kinds and shapes, and colors of different balls.


Baby Pool with Balls

We threw in ball pit balls, ping pong balls, whiffle balls, and every other kind we could find.  This was such a fun way to play in the pool.  Everyone had fun throwing them in and out of the baby pool and grabbing at the different colors. 
We had all preschool-aged and toddlers at our house today, but, this would be great for sitting babies too!  The eye-hand coordination and visual tracking skills really develop with this one. 
They can visually track the different colored balls as they scoot around in the water and grasp at them.  We had so much fun with this. Let us know if you try this activity, we would love to hear how it goes in your house!
Try putting something different in your baby pool while the weather is still warm, or pin it for next summer 🙂
Looking for more eye-hand coordination activities?  Try one of these:

Colleen Beck, OTR/L has been an occupational therapist since 2000, working in school-based, hand therapy, outpatient peds, EI, and SNF. Colleen created The OT Toolbox to inspire therapists, teachers, and parents with easy and fun tools to help children thrive. Read her story about going from an OT making $3/hour (after paying for kids’ childcare) to a full-time OT resource creator for millions of readers. Want to collaborate? Send an email to contact@theottoolbox.com.

Family Reunion Lawn Games

Games and Activities for Outdoor Family Fun!

 We had a big old fashioned family reunion this summer with lots of family, food, and fun!  Us Aunts were in charge of the kid’s games and activities and had a blast putting the activities together…and playing, of course!

We started out by researching the best outdoor lawn games from the best kid’s activity bloggers out there.  If you missed our round-up post, check it out and pin for next summer.  We’ve got SO many outdoor summer lawn games together in one place.
Outdoor Summer Lawn Games
We knew we would have a ton of kids aged newborn to high school age and were catering to the younger set.  Our plan included an obstacle course, ball lawn games, dress up, and bubbles.

Lawn Obstacle Course

This was so easy to set up.  We bought a pool noodle from the dollar store and raided our kid’s outdoor toy bin.  Add a couple of buckets from the sandbox for a hurdle.  They ran around the mini cones, jumped on the trampoline, dove through the hula hoop, and hurdled the pool noodle.  You’ve got your self a pretty nice little obstacle course!  This was a fun activity for the toddlers and preschoolers.  There was a lot of trampoline jumping going on, too 🙂

Family Reunion Lawn Games

We filled a bunch of water bottles with colored water…and have been playing with them in lots of fun ways…blog posts to come 😉 For the Family Reunion, we used them to bowl!  The kiddos had a blast with this. 
Another game we played was catching a ball with milk jugs.  We’ve done something like this before with our Halloween ghost catch game.  I taped the edges with duct tape and electrical tape so there were no sharp edges to catch little fingers on.

Outdoor Play Dress-Up Pretend Play

The dress up time was super cute.  We pulled a bunch of old clothes out that were ready for donation and laid them out for the kids to dress up as they pleased.  Add a few accessories like hats, scarves, and purses.  It was seriously the cutest thing to see the kids all dressed up!

 Family Reunion Lawn Play

The bubble station was a big bin of water and dish detergent bubbled up and bubble wands made from pipe cleaners.  A few of the kids really got into the bubbly fun and hung out here for a long time 🙂

Pretend Play Pizza Shop

This pretend play pizza shop was a huge hit back when my kids were younger. They loved pretending to cook pizza and serve it inside our pretend pizza store. We made a felt pizza to target fine motor skills, but the kids didn’t know that…they were just having fun!

Pretend Play Pizza Shop


felt pizza diy

We started by making a felt pizza DIY toy. This is something we used in our pretend kitchen set, and in our pretend pizza shop. It’s super easy to make. You’ll need just a few items to make the felt pizza. And, it’s all no-sew, so it’s a quick DIY felt food activity to pull together.

  • Brown felt (any fabric would work, really)
  • White felt
  • Red felt
  • Green felt
  • Grey felt

To make the felt pizza DIY food, grab a pizza pan from your kitchen. You’ll use that as a template to size the pizza correctly. 

  1. Place the brown fabric or felt on the pizza pan. Cut the fabric into a circle. This will be the crust for your pizza. You want it to be slightly smaller than the pizza pan.
  2. Next, place the brown felt circle on the red fabric. Cut a slightly smaller circle from the red felt. You want the red fabric, which will be the pretend pizza sauce to sit on top of the brown crust. 
  3. Repeat that step using the white felt. Place the  red felt circle on the white fabric. Cut a slightly smaller circle from the white felt. You want the white fabric, which will be the pretend pizza cheese to sit on top of the red sauce.
  4. Next, cut small circles from the red fabric. This will be the pretend pepperoni. 
  5. Cut small curved pieces from the green felt. This will be the pretend peppers.
  6. Last, cut mushroom shapes from the grey felt. 

That’s it! Now, you can layer the felt pieces to create your DIY felt pizza!

Turn a little Tyke Playhouse into a pretend Pizza Shop

Next is the fun part of our pretend pizza shop. We turned our outdoor plastic play house into a pretend pizza shop for dramatic play! You could use a little tyke playhouse, or use any type of outdoor play space.

We added a cardboard sheet and painted a little more for a pizza shop feel on another side of the play house. 
We’ve been playing Pizza shop all week!
And what is a pizza shop without Pizza?!?!
We’ve made felt food in the past (fuzzy cookies, anyone?)
…and so it was easy to snip up a pizza to go along with our pizza shop.
felt pizza DIY
Big Sister and Little Guy have been busy taking orders.
(On their hand phone.  Literally. They say, “Mom, your hand phone is ringing!” LOVE their imagination!!)
Everything we used in our pizza shop, was already in the house. 
Boxes were otherwise going to be recycled, paint was left over from other projects, fabric and felt all in my craft supplies.  We added the kid’s toy cash register and a few kitchen tools for added pretend play.
And I’ve been placing maaaany Pizza orders in their little shop!
And we’ve had LOTS of Pizza faces 🙂
Our little Pizza shop has been pretty active with so much imagination play, creativity, and art work…And of course just fun!

Summer Sensory Play

Check out these fun Summer Sensory Play ideas and get a little messy.  Do it now while you can hose off in the yard and before the leaves start falling 🙂

Our Features:
There’s Magic Out There shares a messy chalk activity.  We’ve played with wet chalk a few times, and this one is fun!
There’s Just One Mommy combined water beads and shaving cream. Sensory-tastic!
B-Inspired Mama got busy with kids in the kitchen and made a “mud” pie!  Messy kitchen=yummy fun 🙂
Stir The Wonder used the water table to explore color, texture, temperature.  And it’s all outside!
Happy Hooligans shares 10 backyard balancing activities exploring the kinesthetic sense.
More Summer Sensory activities you may enjoy:

Color Matching Water Bin with Letters

This was our last water bin in our Water Bins for Kids series with Frogs and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails.  This was definitely the most fun water bin for us this summer!  We ended the series with a splash! 
(Yes, had to go there!!)
This is a great addition to a color by letter worksheet. Just print and go and work on so many areas of development.

Letter Water Bin

This week’s theme was Color Matching!
Two of us sisters got together one day this week and had SO much fun with the kids on a hot and sunny afternoon.
We started with a colorful plastic bin and filled it with water.  We threw in our bin of colorful magnetic letters (see another fun letter sensory bin here), and egg dying cups in lots of colors.
We started by scooping the letters into the floating cups and trying to catch the matching letter.  We asked the kiddos what letter they found, the color, and if the letter color matched the cup. 
This activity is a good one for bilateral hand coordination, eye-hand coordination, and fine motor skills.  They had to use both hands together in a coordinated manner, while visually tracking the letters as they flowed around in the water.  Then, with both hands on the cups, scoop up the letters.  How fun!
Of course, when these cousins get together, there is sure to be silliness.  The two younger ones were the instigators in the splash down.
We pulled out a metal curtain rod and stuck a magnet to one end.  It stuck to the curtain rod and was able to attract the magnets of the letters.  Little Guy LOVED this!
We pulled all of the colored cups out of the water and had the kids “fish” for the letters and put them into the matching cups.
Little Guy could have done this for an hour, I think…if it were not for his fun-loving little Sister and cousin dumping water on everyone.
 There was a LOT more of this…
…and watering of the plants!
This whole series has been so much fun!  

Learning with Dyed Alphabet Pasta

alphabet letter pasta

Grab a box of alphabet noodles for a fun multisensory learning activity that builds skills in many areas. We used letters pasta to create a sensory bin that incorporates fine motor skills and a letter learning activity.

alphabet letter pasta activity

Alphabet Noodles

You might remember eating alphabet noodles as a child in soup. But if you have a box of letter noodles on hand, it’s easy to create a sensory play activity that builds skills.

This easy dyed pasta activity combines learning with fine motor development.  From the scooping to the neat pincer grasp activity, this is a great way to build many skills!  Younger children can use scoops and spoons to develop coordination needed to scoop and pour while gaining exposure to letters.  What a fun way to build so many areas!

alphabet pasta
This was such a fun activity!  I found a bag of alphabet pasta at a local grocery store on sale for a dollar and couldn’t pass it up!  We used a little from the bag and used the rest in wedding soup.  (Little Guy’s most often request and favorite meal!)  Because the only thing that makes wedding soup even more awesome is fun shaped noodles 🙂

How to dye alphabet Pasta

We dyed the pasta in a baggie…added a few drops of red food coloring and 2 Tbsp of vinegar.  We dyed this batch back in May and the color is still going strong.  The vinegar doesn’t leave an odor when playing with the pasta, but helps the coloring to “stick” to the pasta.
Have the kids shake the bag (or use a lidded plastic container for a fun auditory component!) and get their wiggles out.
alphabet pasta
I put up a few strips of masking tape on our easel and put out the bowl of pasta.  Baby Girl had the job of scooping letters from the bowl onto a plate.  She loved using my measuring spoons to scoop.  Toddlers seem to love scooping any little bits…peas/beans/rice/sand…and it’s such a great fine motor task for them. 
Pinching those little letters was a fun fine motor exercise for working on their tripod grasp and pincer grasp. 
I  positioned the tape strips high up on the easel to encourage an extended wrist.  This wrist position allows for efficient use of the fingers in such a small motor activity.  
Big Sister worked on locating letters as I told her how to spell words.
…Baby Girl couldn’t let her big sister do something and NOT get involved…
We also used the alphabet letter pasta to work on a little reading/spelling activity: I stuck on the -AT letters and asked Big Sister to find the letter we needed to spell different rhyming words.  Fun!

Alphabet letter pasta can be used in many ways! How do you use this sensory activity to learn and play?

Working on fine motor skills, visual perception, visual motor skills, sensory tolerance, handwriting, or scissor skills? Our Fine Motor Kits cover all of these areas and more.

Check out the seasonal Fine Motor Kits that kids love:

Or, grab one of our themed Fine Motor Kits to target skills with fun themes:

Want access to all of these kits…and more being added each month? Join The OT Toolbox Member’s Club!